"...warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. " I Thessalonians 5: 14-18

Friday, February 26, 2010

B O O B L E!!!!!!!

Tonight I am just finding myself simply content. It's been a busy week with it's up's and down's. But I'm so incredibly blessed. And of course with it being Friday is also an added blessing!! Sometimes it's an amazing thing to just slow down and count your blessings. As I started counting our blessings tonight I realized that I could seriously go on and on.

Sometimes we are forced to focus on our blessings when we hear of other's tragic stories. Sometimes we focus on our blessings when our hearts are just overfilled with joy. I find myself doing a little of both tonight. Sometimes I wonder why God has chosen to bless our life so much and spare us of so much. But I will continue praising God for our lives for both the good and the bad for it's the bad times that makes us appreciate the good times so much more.

Tonight I was really excited that Madison wanted her bedtime stories to be read by mommy!! Normally it's a Madison and daddy thing for stories and bedtime. But tonight Madison pleasantly surprised me with a "Mommy will you read me stories?" And of course I went running upstairs right behind her!! She's such an amazing joy to have and it was so wonderful reading with her. We were reading different books from the Dr. Suess collection and we came across the word "doodle" and she stopped and began spelling the word as she saw it by spelling each letter as B O O B L E...it blew my mind!!! She was trying to spell the word and she almost had her D right but had every other letter right!!! It just showed me how important it is to spend time reading to your children. Madison has grown so much with her vocabulary and learning her colors and letters since we have increased her book time. We are actually looking for a book shelf for her room to redo and paint because her book collection is growing!!

So obviously I'm on cloud nine cause my little girl decided she wanted her mommy time tonight to end her day before falling asleep. She's growing up so much and I'm so proud of her. I hope that God looks down on me as His child and is also proud for what I am doing with my life. I love God so much and find it very important as a child of God to please Him. I pray that as Madison grows that I will be the example she needs to grow up into a woman of God.

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