I have been reading a book entitled “This Isn’t The Life I Signed Up For” by Donna Partow. I read it before when I went through a women’s bible study (with some women I miss by the way) about 6 or 7 years ago. It’s amazing how reading the same book 6 years later can take on a whole different meaning and help improve your Christian walk. However, I have to admit when I came across the book in our library my first thought was to put it back on the shelf since I had already read it. I was not interested in reading it again because I felt like it would not have much to offer me at this stage in my life. I mean the title itself sounds like it’s a book that only people who hate their life would read! But I decided to read it anyway (In case you can’t notice, I really was not interested in reading this book).
In our spiritual life, sometimes we can reach a point where we are blind to things that hold us back from a deeper relationship with God. So I prayed that God would guide me in pin pointing the areas in my life that needed some special attention. Areas that maybe I had looked over or was blind to. Little did I know what God would reveal to me throughout this book. A quote that stuck out (among many) was “God never reveals our pain just to hurt us. He reveals it so he can heal it.” So I prayed that God would reveal to me any pain that I had buried deep within. And guess what, He did! It was something I knew was there but I guess I had found my own way of dealing with it. One of those situations where you felt like you had done everything humanly possible to heal the situation so you just kind of gave up and “swept it under the rug”. Except it really wasn’t swept away…it was still nibbling at the heart, bit by bit. I had found that my attitude had become negative about the situation. D. Partow mentions in her book that a good clue to knowing you are bitter with someone is by listening to your tone of voice when talking to them. When I read that I realized I had not swept “it” under the rug. I had managed to hold on to it for years because I felt like I was in the right and was the one dealing in the right way. But after reading that I realized it’s not about who’s right, it’s not about what someone said, it’s about our relationship with God. The way we treat other people is a huge reflection of our relationship with God. So I knew it was time to let go of everything and hand it all over completely to God.
It felt good to let go of it and I realized that as happy as I was before, I had even more room in my heart now for more joy. Something else D. Partow mentioned was this, “What is Satan’s scheme in your life? It’s real simple. To keep you stuck. To keep you so focused on who did what, and who said what, and how dare they, and you’ve had it, etc., that you can’t move forward with the rest of your life”. I am so thankful for the many ways God continues to speak to me and I don’t know about you but I will not allow Satan to run my life. Life is too short to miss out on all the blessings that are waiting!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
I had a movie night with James tonight and of course it was a real tear jerker. I will not go into detail for those of you who have not watched the movie "Extraordinary Measures". However, just a glimpse at the back of the movie cover, you know it's going to be a hard one to watch and keep a dry eye.
Maybe I have a difficult time watching movies like this because I am a mother. I find that I think about Madison and think about how I would deal with such pressures. Long story short, I just want to say how thankful I am to God for the MANY blessings he has given me. It is humbling to me to watch movies like this (let alone watch others experience it)and yet, still find that I can manage to complain about something. I have been blessed with an amazing family and an amazing God who looks out for me and keeps His word. A job that pays the bills and a roof over my head along with all the extra blessings. I can not ask for more.
I pray that I always count the blessings first instead of looking at what is wrong. Living a Christian life is so very rewarding and I would not have it any other way. The good and the bad, I would choose it over and over again.
Maybe I have a difficult time watching movies like this because I am a mother. I find that I think about Madison and think about how I would deal with such pressures. Long story short, I just want to say how thankful I am to God for the MANY blessings he has given me. It is humbling to me to watch movies like this (let alone watch others experience it)and yet, still find that I can manage to complain about something. I have been blessed with an amazing family and an amazing God who looks out for me and keeps His word. A job that pays the bills and a roof over my head along with all the extra blessings. I can not ask for more.
I pray that I always count the blessings first instead of looking at what is wrong. Living a Christian life is so very rewarding and I would not have it any other way. The good and the bad, I would choose it over and over again.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Okay so it's been a really long time since I last posted. Just know that in the time I have been away I have used it for some personal growth. For almost two months now, just over a month and a half, I have been running and walking each evening. It has taken me thirty years of my life to figure out how to stick with an exercise plan that works. Of course, up until I had Madison (which I was 27)I never really had to exercise (or so I thought). I enjoyed sports and was active BUT things changed after having Madison. Now that I am getting older I find that I have to work harder at maintaining my health and ensuring I am at a healthy weight. I also find that the energy I once had does not come naturally.
While I was running/walking I was listening to my Pandora station on my blackberry and had it set on a Chris Tomlin station. I absolutely love to run in my surrounding neighborhoods while listening to his music. It makes for an awesome praise and worship time to God and also makes for very peaceful alone time. I think that has been the driving force behind my ability to stick with exercising this time. In the past, I always had an excuse and mostly that I didn't have time and that I had a child to take care of. But I have found a way to fit it in and I'm so grateful I did.
As I continue trying to extend how far I run and how far I walk I find that my leg muscles are really getting worked. Sometimes it's even somewhat painful as I run because my body is not use to daily running. My muscles are having to reshape themselves and grow. I can't help but think of how similar the situation is with my spiritual life. Sometimes we find ourselves in a slum. Just kind of doing the same things over and over, more so out of habit. Or maybe we have found ourselves not doing anything at all. Something that I have also taken advantage of during my running is my prayer time with God. I have found the most perfect time of day to grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I couldn't ask for more. I have seen the blessings of handing over stress to God and in just a short period of time. It's hard giving worries over to God and trusting that he will take care of them. But I am a believer and I KNOW that God WILL take care of me. Sometimes growing, whether it's physical or spiritual, requires training to get better. So as I continue to grow I am trying to allow God to be more of my trainer instead of "on stand by".
While I was running/walking I was listening to my Pandora station on my blackberry and had it set on a Chris Tomlin station. I absolutely love to run in my surrounding neighborhoods while listening to his music. It makes for an awesome praise and worship time to God and also makes for very peaceful alone time. I think that has been the driving force behind my ability to stick with exercising this time. In the past, I always had an excuse and mostly that I didn't have time and that I had a child to take care of. But I have found a way to fit it in and I'm so grateful I did.
As I continue trying to extend how far I run and how far I walk I find that my leg muscles are really getting worked. Sometimes it's even somewhat painful as I run because my body is not use to daily running. My muscles are having to reshape themselves and grow. I can't help but think of how similar the situation is with my spiritual life. Sometimes we find ourselves in a slum. Just kind of doing the same things over and over, more so out of habit. Or maybe we have found ourselves not doing anything at all. Something that I have also taken advantage of during my running is my prayer time with God. I have found the most perfect time of day to grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I couldn't ask for more. I have seen the blessings of handing over stress to God and in just a short period of time. It's hard giving worries over to God and trusting that he will take care of them. But I am a believer and I KNOW that God WILL take care of me. Sometimes growing, whether it's physical or spiritual, requires training to get better. So as I continue to grow I am trying to allow God to be more of my trainer instead of "on stand by".
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Burn Out
It's taken me a while to get back to my blog. I haven't been feeling myself for the past few weeks. I have found it amazing what stress can do to the body. I was even convinced I might be pregnant but three pregnancy test later it is a definite no!! Swoo!!! I was sweating bullets on that one! I am typically easy going and no worries kind a gal' but not lately. James was even feeling very similar. So I know what I do when I get stressed and I'm guessing we all have different ways of dealing. But you best believe I am eating the most unhealthy thing I can find. All I can say is thank God I am not typically this way. I couldn't survive!
It has taken me until today to really try to chill out about all the stress. I am slowly getting myself back on track with eating healthy and taking vitamins again and increasing physical activity. My wii comes in handy for the exercise, especially on evenings or mornings before work that I do not feel like leaving the house.
I remember in Sunday School, maybe a month ago, we were talking about what people worried about. And of course, I am sitting there thinking that I typically am not a worrier. I guess you would call me the "situational worrier". I do not worry about day to day things, but when it comes to unexpected events it's a different story. I have to say I am disappointed in myself for these past few weeks. I have not taken my own advice like I would give someone else dealing with stress. I have tried dealing with my stress in my own way day after day and it has not gone away. I am ashamed to admit that I have not even prayed on a daily basis for God to take my stress away, not everyday. I have not been persistent in something that I truly needed. Someone who is all powerful and could take my stress away in an instant, I did not pray and ask for his help regularly. It's amazing to me how much strength I think I have in myself at times with out giving God the credit. It is God who has given me the strength to continue despite the stress filled weeks I have had. I fail to thank Him during times like these for the things that I have been blessed with.
For the longest time I knew there were little things that were just adding up to my stress level but when I just couldn't get past it all I realized I was just burned out. It is that time of year again and I can NOT wait for vacation. I am in desperate need of one like never before. My whole family is in need of it. In need of a time to get away from all schedules and to do exactly what we WANT to do TOGETHER as a family. It's sad that this time rarely even comes once a year for the length of time we will be taken. But I am thankful that it is coming and I know that I will make it. I have been feeling better today and have been doing a much better job taking care of myself with things I typically postpone. With all the stress, I was desperately needing to get back into the Chiropractor routine and I have finally done that. It's amazing what a few crackings of the neck can do!
Psalm 18:32 "It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect."
So after these past few weeks I will pick myself up again and dust myself off and refocus my eyes on God for they have not been focusing there as often as they should.
It has taken me until today to really try to chill out about all the stress. I am slowly getting myself back on track with eating healthy and taking vitamins again and increasing physical activity. My wii comes in handy for the exercise, especially on evenings or mornings before work that I do not feel like leaving the house.
I remember in Sunday School, maybe a month ago, we were talking about what people worried about. And of course, I am sitting there thinking that I typically am not a worrier. I guess you would call me the "situational worrier". I do not worry about day to day things, but when it comes to unexpected events it's a different story. I have to say I am disappointed in myself for these past few weeks. I have not taken my own advice like I would give someone else dealing with stress. I have tried dealing with my stress in my own way day after day and it has not gone away. I am ashamed to admit that I have not even prayed on a daily basis for God to take my stress away, not everyday. I have not been persistent in something that I truly needed. Someone who is all powerful and could take my stress away in an instant, I did not pray and ask for his help regularly. It's amazing to me how much strength I think I have in myself at times with out giving God the credit. It is God who has given me the strength to continue despite the stress filled weeks I have had. I fail to thank Him during times like these for the things that I have been blessed with.
For the longest time I knew there were little things that were just adding up to my stress level but when I just couldn't get past it all I realized I was just burned out. It is that time of year again and I can NOT wait for vacation. I am in desperate need of one like never before. My whole family is in need of it. In need of a time to get away from all schedules and to do exactly what we WANT to do TOGETHER as a family. It's sad that this time rarely even comes once a year for the length of time we will be taken. But I am thankful that it is coming and I know that I will make it. I have been feeling better today and have been doing a much better job taking care of myself with things I typically postpone. With all the stress, I was desperately needing to get back into the Chiropractor routine and I have finally done that. It's amazing what a few crackings of the neck can do!
Psalm 18:32 "It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect."
So after these past few weeks I will pick myself up again and dust myself off and refocus my eyes on God for they have not been focusing there as often as they should.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Madison With A New Skill
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Is It Date Night Yet?
I woke up today just really missing my husband. Even though we have not been apart other than for work, I missed him. We are finding it more and more difficult to make sure we get in our date nights. We both agreed last night we have got to do a better job of scheduling our date nights before other events take its place. We find ourselves having this conversation almost regularly. It’s so important that as a couple, and especially a couple with a child, that we do not forget who we are as just “James and Andrea”.
Riding to work the other morning I was listening to a Christian radio station and it was talking about marriage. It said one of the main reasons that some Christian marriages end in divorce is because couples are putting all of their efforts into the children and forgetting about each other. When couples no longer have their children to focus on, they realize they do not know the person in front of them. I think so many couples have the best of intentions in making sure they are being the best parents they can but forget that sometimes the best thing they can do is model to their children a healthy Christian marriage. I know for James and I, Madison is a huge part of us, and rightfully so. She is very special to us and such an amazing joy to have! But there has to be a middle ground. One of balance between time spent with the children and time spent alone with your spouse.
Having a child is such a wonderful thing, but you have to keep your priorities right. James and I both find it important that we model to Madison how a husband and wife should treat each other. So in my rambling tonight, I just want to make sure that you and your spouse take time for each other. James and I will very soon be planning a date night for just us. I woke up this morning and told him I was ready for a hot date! I am convinced I have the best husband in the world and I know that I am only blessed as much as I am because of God.
Riding to work the other morning I was listening to a Christian radio station and it was talking about marriage. It said one of the main reasons that some Christian marriages end in divorce is because couples are putting all of their efforts into the children and forgetting about each other. When couples no longer have their children to focus on, they realize they do not know the person in front of them. I think so many couples have the best of intentions in making sure they are being the best parents they can but forget that sometimes the best thing they can do is model to their children a healthy Christian marriage. I know for James and I, Madison is a huge part of us, and rightfully so. She is very special to us and such an amazing joy to have! But there has to be a middle ground. One of balance between time spent with the children and time spent alone with your spouse.
Having a child is such a wonderful thing, but you have to keep your priorities right. James and I both find it important that we model to Madison how a husband and wife should treat each other. So in my rambling tonight, I just want to make sure that you and your spouse take time for each other. James and I will very soon be planning a date night for just us. I woke up this morning and told him I was ready for a hot date! I am convinced I have the best husband in the world and I know that I am only blessed as much as I am because of God.
Friday, May 7, 2010
A Special Day

I am currently hearing loud crashing sounds upstairs...which tells me that instead of Madison falling asleep that she has convinced her daddy it's play time! They are too funny together. Let's just say Madison has her daddy wrapped around that little finger of hers. I have been taking some time to focus on my family and other blessings that God has blessed me with this week. I felt like I had been spending too much time blogging on a daily basis. It was a good break this week. I thoroughly enjoy blogging, however, sometimes it can become a bit consuming.
I felt like I had a few other things I could take care of instead of taking time to blog this week so I did. I pray that as I continue to blog that God uses my life as an encouragement to someone else. Now I can not say that I have lived this long difficult life that would be a tremendous example for someone else but I have had my struggles. God has blessed me tremendously. And though right now, I am on a mountain, I know there will be valleys to come. I can not help to think what some of my posts on my blog would have read if I had started blogging a few years ago. But I am excited how God continues to grow my desires for different things. I never thought that I would openly share my life with others via the Internet. But I am convinced that it is just another way of witnessing as we live in a world that has gone cyber.
And speaking of focusing on some of God's blessings this week, tomorrow I will be spending the day with lots of family in celebration of Mother's Day. The day is for my grandma Grace as we celebrate having her this Mother's Day. I think everyone will feel a sense of hope and joy in Christ tomorrow as we realize the reason she is still here. A lot of us struggled seeing her in the hospital and struggled with many questions to why she would go through what she went through, but in looking back I can see God's hand in so many different things. I am so very thankful for everyone who had a part in her recovery. So I am excited about tomorrow and bringing all of our families together to enjoy the day. I am looking forward to taking lots of pictures! And of course, Madison is excited to get to play with everyone and has already decided she wants to wear a sun dress!
Monday, May 3, 2010
The End Result
What if we never made a change again? We continued living life just as we are today. Would you be happy with the end result? Think back to this morning and the food you ate for breakfast. Look at your food choices for the rest of the day. Would you be happy with the end result of the physical you if you continued to eat the same? What about financially? What if you continued to spend your money just as you are today? Would you be happy with the end result? What if we continued to parent just as you do today, spending the same amount of time with our children and using the same behaviors in front of our children? Would you be happy with the end result? What if you continued spiritually just as you are? What if today repeated on a daily basis. Think back to the start of your day and how many conversations you have had with God. What if you made the same decisions for the rest of your life whether it represented what pleased God or not? Repeating the same actions and words. Would you be happy with the end result?
Some of us do live the same day over and over. It's hard to change from what we are use to living on a daily basis. It's hard to change what was modeled to us either from family or the friends we chose to hang around. Change is difficult. Change is not the "popular" choice. But if we find ourselves not currently pleased with our physical appearance, our financial situation, our parenting skills, our walk with God, etc., then maybe change is going to be necessary to reach some sort of acceptance of where we are at. Maybe change is what it will take to see some sort of growth in the direction we desire. 2 Corinthians 5:7 & 8 of the Message Version of the Bible says this: "It's what we trust in but don't yet see that keeps us going. Do you suppose a few ruts in the road or rocks in the path are going to stop us?" Making changes in our life requires faith. We have no clue what will happen the next day if we choose to live it differently but know that if you are looking at God while making that change, God will see you through it. There may (and will be) difficult times or "ruts in the road" that will cause you to want to give up and go back to the same living that you were dissatisfied with. But keep pushing and keep trusting. Then tell me what you see the end result to be.
Some of us do live the same day over and over. It's hard to change from what we are use to living on a daily basis. It's hard to change what was modeled to us either from family or the friends we chose to hang around. Change is difficult. Change is not the "popular" choice. But if we find ourselves not currently pleased with our physical appearance, our financial situation, our parenting skills, our walk with God, etc., then maybe change is going to be necessary to reach some sort of acceptance of where we are at. Maybe change is what it will take to see some sort of growth in the direction we desire. 2 Corinthians 5:7 & 8 of the Message Version of the Bible says this: "It's what we trust in but don't yet see that keeps us going. Do you suppose a few ruts in the road or rocks in the path are going to stop us?" Making changes in our life requires faith. We have no clue what will happen the next day if we choose to live it differently but know that if you are looking at God while making that change, God will see you through it. There may (and will be) difficult times or "ruts in the road" that will cause you to want to give up and go back to the same living that you were dissatisfied with. But keep pushing and keep trusting. Then tell me what you see the end result to be.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
She's A Good Mom
I rediscovered my competitive side today!! Besides the fact that I am not very good at softball I did at least enjoy my day in the sun! Sunscreen and water and I was good to go. We had a church softball game today and a cookout afterwards. Love days like that! Lots of good conversations and just a chance to get to know everyone a little bit better. But I think my favorite part of the day was the short time I spent with my mom.
Madison spent the day with her grandma and had a blast. So I saw mom just prior to leaving the house and then returned home and Madison was sleeping. With Mother's Day coming up I find it good timing to say that I have a wonderful mom. I am blessed to have her. I look up to her like no other person. She is hardworking and giving. She has been such a good grandmother to Madison by spending time with her especially when we are needing someone to watch her. I spoke with a friend today who does not have her mom anymore but can remember when her mother would watch her kids for her and she spoke about cherishing that time. I could not imagine not having my mom. She is absolutely the world to me and I hope that I take advantage of my time with her. Madison loves her grandparents and especially enjoyed her day with her grandma. Not to mention grandma lets her eat all the cookies her little heart desires!! But that's what so great about being a grandma I guess!
I am looking forward to the big Mother's Day event that we have with all our family this coming weekend to spend with family and friends that we do not see everyday. Thank you Lord for my life and your timing. Thank you Lord for the people you place in my life especially my mom. I would not have picked anyone else for the spot :)
Madison spent the day with her grandma and had a blast. So I saw mom just prior to leaving the house and then returned home and Madison was sleeping. With Mother's Day coming up I find it good timing to say that I have a wonderful mom. I am blessed to have her. I look up to her like no other person. She is hardworking and giving. She has been such a good grandmother to Madison by spending time with her especially when we are needing someone to watch her. I spoke with a friend today who does not have her mom anymore but can remember when her mother would watch her kids for her and she spoke about cherishing that time. I could not imagine not having my mom. She is absolutely the world to me and I hope that I take advantage of my time with her. Madison loves her grandparents and especially enjoyed her day with her grandma. Not to mention grandma lets her eat all the cookies her little heart desires!! But that's what so great about being a grandma I guess!
I am looking forward to the big Mother's Day event that we have with all our family this coming weekend to spend with family and friends that we do not see everyday. Thank you Lord for my life and your timing. Thank you Lord for the people you place in my life especially my mom. I would not have picked anyone else for the spot :)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
The Good Life

I live for evenings like this one. Yard work and grilling out!! Here are a few pics of Madison while we were outside this evening. She's such a blessing to James and I!! And she did a great job helping with yard work. She thought it was alot of fun pulling her wagon around while we picked up any sticks that were in the yard. Of course, we had to play a little hide and seek behind the trees too! I am so thankful for this little girl and will continue to pray that I will be the mother this girl deserves. Thank you God for blessing my life with this beautiful and smart little girl! I do not deserve all of these blessings that are constantly being poured out on me.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Living Someone Else's Life
It's Wednesday night and I am counting down the days to my weekend. I am not one to rush my life away but after just being so exhausted today, I am ready to make it to Friday! Lot's of driving ahead of me tomorrow to get to work but that's not always such a bad thing. I have had alot on my mind this evening and particularly with something personal. I have debated whether or not to share this on my blog but then again as I have stated before I decided I would share it as my blog's purpose is to be real with you.
I find that I struggle, even as a 30 year old, with always trying to please others. Sometimes I do so even at my own expense. Now some might wonder why that's such a bad thing. And if you are someone who does not struggle with this then let me explain. For some people pleasing others begins to consume them so much that they forget about themselves and living THEIR life instead of someone else's life. Thankfully I am not consumed to that point, however, I do let it affect my life to a certain degree. Praise God that I can say I am a pretty independent person that has made her own choices through out life as far as what college to attend, career choices, the man I marry, and how many children I will have, etc. despite opposition from others. But as I look deeper into things I accomplish on a daily basis I find that sometimes I can be completely knocked down when I realize someone isn't 100% pleased. I struggle with trying to keep everyone happy and as we all know, that's impossible. I have people in my life that I have found necessary to make sure that I keep happy and work my life around but as I get older and have amazing people that God has placed in my life I have learned that I can not live my life for someone else. My life is to be lived for Christ and everything else will fall into place.
I was reading this evening about a man that was so consumed with keeping others happy that through out his whole life he had chosen career paths, where to live, etc. all based on those around him and what they wanted. I am thankful that I have not taken it to that extreme but I do see the little things that affect my daily walk with God. I need to reevaluate my purpose for living and who it is that I should solely focus on in pleasing. I know that when I start worrying about keeping other's happy and what they are thinking then I have taken my focus off of Christ and redirected to someone on this earth. I want to thirst for Christ and be so focused on him that I lose sight of the unimportant things and worries that this world brings. I love Psalm 42:1 & 2 "As the deer pants for the streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?" I desire for my thirst for Christ to be over powering! I know that when my focus has reached that level that the people I was so concerned with pleasing will either understand because they truly care about me and the way I live my life or will not understand, and that will only be confirmation for me in knowing I was spending too much time in keeping them happy. So I pray that as I continue to live a life pleasing to God that I will bathe my decisions in prayer and continue with the life God has intended for me.
I find that I struggle, even as a 30 year old, with always trying to please others. Sometimes I do so even at my own expense. Now some might wonder why that's such a bad thing. And if you are someone who does not struggle with this then let me explain. For some people pleasing others begins to consume them so much that they forget about themselves and living THEIR life instead of someone else's life. Thankfully I am not consumed to that point, however, I do let it affect my life to a certain degree. Praise God that I can say I am a pretty independent person that has made her own choices through out life as far as what college to attend, career choices, the man I marry, and how many children I will have, etc. despite opposition from others. But as I look deeper into things I accomplish on a daily basis I find that sometimes I can be completely knocked down when I realize someone isn't 100% pleased. I struggle with trying to keep everyone happy and as we all know, that's impossible. I have people in my life that I have found necessary to make sure that I keep happy and work my life around but as I get older and have amazing people that God has placed in my life I have learned that I can not live my life for someone else. My life is to be lived for Christ and everything else will fall into place.
I was reading this evening about a man that was so consumed with keeping others happy that through out his whole life he had chosen career paths, where to live, etc. all based on those around him and what they wanted. I am thankful that I have not taken it to that extreme but I do see the little things that affect my daily walk with God. I need to reevaluate my purpose for living and who it is that I should solely focus on in pleasing. I know that when I start worrying about keeping other's happy and what they are thinking then I have taken my focus off of Christ and redirected to someone on this earth. I want to thirst for Christ and be so focused on him that I lose sight of the unimportant things and worries that this world brings. I love Psalm 42:1 & 2 "As the deer pants for the streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?" I desire for my thirst for Christ to be over powering! I know that when my focus has reached that level that the people I was so concerned with pleasing will either understand because they truly care about me and the way I live my life or will not understand, and that will only be confirmation for me in knowing I was spending too much time in keeping them happy. So I pray that as I continue to live a life pleasing to God that I will bathe my decisions in prayer and continue with the life God has intended for me.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Looking In The Mirror
Attending church on Sundays always seems to be a personal evaluation for me. I take in the lessons and try to look into my own life and how I can improve my relationship with God. I think sometimes the greatest source of growth for me is when I am reviewing my own lessons to teach the children. I am thankful to be part of a church that challenges me spiritually.
Today I had the chance to sit down and talk with an older lady in our church who shared with me that she misses having neighbors who check in on her. She talked about the people who lived in her neighborhood and how they are good people but they live busy lives. She went on to talk about how she would always take time to check on her neighbors but said in the last week she had slacked off. Listening to her was like getting a slap in the face. It was God's purpose for us to have that conversation today. Making time for others outside of church and family is a struggle for me. I do my best to keep up with the schedule that I have. But that's not enough, especially for my friends and neighbors. There are days I come home from work and I am so focused on getting in the house and getting dinner ready and getting Madison settled that I do not even notice my neighbor sitting on his front porch next door. We have really great neighbors and have been blessed with the neighborhood we live in. But I feel horrible at the lack of attention I give my neighbors. I do not even know the names of my neighbors that live to the right of me. They tend to live a life busy like mine and they have children. They seem to always be on the go. I am ashamed to admit this but I refuse to let this continue. It's so important for us to take notice of those around us. True, putting God and your family first is priority, but do not stop there.
I also have friends whom I have failed to make time for. God has blessed me with some amazing friendships and I am a fool to not spend more time with them than I do. I do not have it all figured out how I will learn to make more time for others but I know it can be done. I will make more time to spend with my neighbor on his front porch and talk about his day home. He's a good neighbor and we have had some good times with him but it has been a while since I have just sat down to chat with him. And for my other neighbors I am going to introduce myself to them the next time I see them in the yard. There's no reason why I should not already know them but sometimes we get so focused on our own mission for the day we do not even notice what is going on around us.
So as I look in the mirror and see the imperfections I will continue to strive to do better. I am thankful for today's church service and how it has opened my eyes to things left undone. I find myself to busy with life in general, sometimes getting caught up in things that really do not matter. I spent an entire day yesterday cleaning my house. While that needs to be done it is still not as important as time that I could have spent with friends. This will be something that I continue to pray about as I seek God's guidance. And I find this to be a good delima to be in. I have some amazing people in my life and I am so very thankful for that.
Today I had the chance to sit down and talk with an older lady in our church who shared with me that she misses having neighbors who check in on her. She talked about the people who lived in her neighborhood and how they are good people but they live busy lives. She went on to talk about how she would always take time to check on her neighbors but said in the last week she had slacked off. Listening to her was like getting a slap in the face. It was God's purpose for us to have that conversation today. Making time for others outside of church and family is a struggle for me. I do my best to keep up with the schedule that I have. But that's not enough, especially for my friends and neighbors. There are days I come home from work and I am so focused on getting in the house and getting dinner ready and getting Madison settled that I do not even notice my neighbor sitting on his front porch next door. We have really great neighbors and have been blessed with the neighborhood we live in. But I feel horrible at the lack of attention I give my neighbors. I do not even know the names of my neighbors that live to the right of me. They tend to live a life busy like mine and they have children. They seem to always be on the go. I am ashamed to admit this but I refuse to let this continue. It's so important for us to take notice of those around us. True, putting God and your family first is priority, but do not stop there.
I also have friends whom I have failed to make time for. God has blessed me with some amazing friendships and I am a fool to not spend more time with them than I do. I do not have it all figured out how I will learn to make more time for others but I know it can be done. I will make more time to spend with my neighbor on his front porch and talk about his day home. He's a good neighbor and we have had some good times with him but it has been a while since I have just sat down to chat with him. And for my other neighbors I am going to introduce myself to them the next time I see them in the yard. There's no reason why I should not already know them but sometimes we get so focused on our own mission for the day we do not even notice what is going on around us.
So as I look in the mirror and see the imperfections I will continue to strive to do better. I am thankful for today's church service and how it has opened my eyes to things left undone. I find myself to busy with life in general, sometimes getting caught up in things that really do not matter. I spent an entire day yesterday cleaning my house. While that needs to be done it is still not as important as time that I could have spent with friends. This will be something that I continue to pray about as I seek God's guidance. And I find this to be a good delima to be in. I have some amazing people in my life and I am so very thankful for that.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
From Super Cleaner To Crashing
I am thinking I started out my day with a bit much enthusiasm for cleaning. What was I thinking?!! Saturdays are suppose to be an easy day! I was up just before 7:00and had breakfast with Madison. I started cleaning the kitchen including scrubbing the floor. I also decided I was tired of looking at those stains on my carpet so I moved the furniture and vacuumed and got James to help with shampooing the carpet. We ran out of the Kirby brand we like to use so we had to buy a different carpet shampoo. It did the job for the most part but there are still some areas that did not come up that my Kirby brand would have removed. Having a 3 year old, I need a dependable carpet cleaner so I'll be sure to have my usual on hand next time! Once the carpet was shampooed I had to wait until it dried before I could vacuum it again and move my furniture back. It felt like an all day event. In the mean time I managed to get some laundry done. I was also hoping to tackle some "cooking in bulk" to help through out the week. But as I sat down to plan my meals for the week I realized this was not the best week for that. I was going to cook and then freeze my meals ahead of time so that all we would have to do is thaw them out and warm them up as we got home. But in the recipes I picked for the week it would not be saving much time on them as they were quick and easy dinners. So I'll save that thought for another weekend.
Now my child is in bed...that's right, you read that right. Madison did not get a nap today so I always put her to bed a little earlier to make sure she gets her rest. She's a grumpy one when she doesn't get her sleep but then again who isn't?
So tonight, it's just me. Madison is upstairs sleeping and dreaming sweet dreams and James is at a church leadership conference. I'm thinking some good chic flicks are in order. These nights are rare so I'm taking advantage of it!
I wanted to share some scripture I have read this evening. I was needing some "lift me up" after cleaning all day and just feeling exhausted. Sometimes when I do not know what I want to read in the Bible, I use my blackberry Bible app. It allows me to choose from so many versions of the Bible and search key words that make for a fast search. It's another long passage that I wanted to share just because I found it so inspiring. It comes from the Message Version of Romans 5: 1-11:
By entering through faith into what God has always wanted to do for us - set us right with him, make us fit for him - we have it all together with God because of our Master Jesus. And that's not all: We throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment that he has already thrown open his door to us. We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand - out in the wide open spaces of God's grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise. There's more to come: We continue to shout our praise even when we're hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we're never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary - we can't round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit! Christ arrives right on time to make this happen. He didn't, and doesn't, wait for us to get ready. He presented himself for this sacrificial death when we were far too weak and rebellious to do anything to get ourselves ready. And even if we hadn't been so weak, we wouldn't have known what to do anyway. We can understand someone dying for a person worth dying for, and we can understand how someone good and noble could inspire us to selfless sacrifice. But God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to him. Now that we are set right with God by means of this sacrificial death, the consummate blood sacrifice, there is no longer a question of being at odds with God in any way. If, when we were at our worst, we were put on friendly terms with God by the sacrificial death of his Son, now that we're at our best, just think of how our lives will expand and deepen by means of his Resurrection life! Now that we have actually received this amazing friendship with God, we are no longer content to simply say it in plodding prose. We sing and shout our praises to God through Jesus the Messiah!
I find scripture so encouraging. It's what I read when I'm needing to be lifted up. It's also what I read when I'm feeling like I'm on top of the world and needing to praise God even more. I am thankful for today and the energy God gave me to do some much needed cleaning. So very thankful for the hope I have in Christ and how it keeps me going daily. Now off to relax for the evening and to have some "me" time!
Now my child is in bed...that's right, you read that right. Madison did not get a nap today so I always put her to bed a little earlier to make sure she gets her rest. She's a grumpy one when she doesn't get her sleep but then again who isn't?
So tonight, it's just me. Madison is upstairs sleeping and dreaming sweet dreams and James is at a church leadership conference. I'm thinking some good chic flicks are in order. These nights are rare so I'm taking advantage of it!
I wanted to share some scripture I have read this evening. I was needing some "lift me up" after cleaning all day and just feeling exhausted. Sometimes when I do not know what I want to read in the Bible, I use my blackberry Bible app. It allows me to choose from so many versions of the Bible and search key words that make for a fast search. It's another long passage that I wanted to share just because I found it so inspiring. It comes from the Message Version of Romans 5: 1-11:
By entering through faith into what God has always wanted to do for us - set us right with him, make us fit for him - we have it all together with God because of our Master Jesus. And that's not all: We throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment that he has already thrown open his door to us. We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand - out in the wide open spaces of God's grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise. There's more to come: We continue to shout our praise even when we're hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we're never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary - we can't round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit! Christ arrives right on time to make this happen. He didn't, and doesn't, wait for us to get ready. He presented himself for this sacrificial death when we were far too weak and rebellious to do anything to get ourselves ready. And even if we hadn't been so weak, we wouldn't have known what to do anyway. We can understand someone dying for a person worth dying for, and we can understand how someone good and noble could inspire us to selfless sacrifice. But God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to him. Now that we are set right with God by means of this sacrificial death, the consummate blood sacrifice, there is no longer a question of being at odds with God in any way. If, when we were at our worst, we were put on friendly terms with God by the sacrificial death of his Son, now that we're at our best, just think of how our lives will expand and deepen by means of his Resurrection life! Now that we have actually received this amazing friendship with God, we are no longer content to simply say it in plodding prose. We sing and shout our praises to God through Jesus the Messiah!
I find scripture so encouraging. It's what I read when I'm needing to be lifted up. It's also what I read when I'm feeling like I'm on top of the world and needing to praise God even more. I am thankful for today and the energy God gave me to do some much needed cleaning. So very thankful for the hope I have in Christ and how it keeps me going daily. Now off to relax for the evening and to have some "me" time!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
For The Working Mom
Feeling good about having the house clean before sitting down to relax tonight. Well, atleast some what clean that is. No scrubbing was involved but I did atleast get the dish washer loaded and started and the dryer is currently going as well!! The scrubbing will follow this weekend! I find that my day is filled with many different things that have to be done. Some days I choose not to get them all done and other's I accomplish it all! But how do we manage to get everything done and still have that time with our family.
I find that I have a passion to encourage working mothers to be proud of the choice they have made to work outside of the home. I am not saying that staying home with your child is not commendable, in fact, it's a great thing. I would be a stay at home mother myself atleast in the early years if finances allowed it. However, that is not the case and I find myself working 40 hours a week. I remember feeling guilty in the beginning when Madison was first born. It broke my heart to leave her and go to the office but as I spent MUCH time in prayer about it I found that though I still longed to be with her during the day I was also finding God's purpose for me at work. I've always had the type of job where it involved helping people. It's been my passion and I have always had the passion to help other's find the good in themselves when no one else seemed to care. So I find it necessary to fulfill God's many passions in me.
So I encourage you as a working mother who has found herself in a situation where working is a must. Do not feel guilty for not being at home all day with your child. Find peace in knowing that you have found trust worthy child care. Next find that purpose in your job no matter what it is. Figure out how you can make your time away from home count. Sure, one way it will count is the paycheck that comes but I mean for it to REALLY count. If I am going to be away from home 40 hours a week it has to be in a job that I am busy helping people. Simply working for the pay check would not sustain my joy. So I have prayed continuously that God would use me no matter where I am at. Finding that joy has helped me transform from the working mother who felt guilty about being away from her child to the working mother who is confident in her decision to work outside of the home and knows that God is pleased with my life.
You become confident when you find a balance. God provided that balance for me. Though there were many trying times during my decision to work outside of the home, God carried me through those times and grew my passion to be a dedicated mother, a faithful wife, and a hard working employee. Do not let anyone put you down because you are not with your children at all times. Do not automatically think that because you are not a stay at home mom that you are not giving your best to your child.
Sometimes life throws us in directions that maybe we would rather not take but it's up to us the attitude we take with that. I have chosen to find joy in my work when I am not with my child but I have also chosen to find joy in my child at all times. I do not carry my work home because there has to be boundaries. But I do carry the thoughts of my child everywhere. There are days I am at work and I wonder what she is doing or if she is eating her lunch like she needs to. Sometimes I call just to check on her. I know that she is being taken care of and that our time will come just after work. There are responsibilities that come with being a working mother. You have to choose to get off that couch after coming home from work and play with your child despite that lack of energy. True, you've been working all day, but that's even more the reason to give all of your attention to that child. Besides, you will get your time once your child's bedtime is here. Take advantage of your evenings home with your child after work. Just because you have been gone all day doesn't mean you can't take off that evening too! We will on occasion take Madison out to the park after work to have supper there at the picnic tables. Sometimes we just decide to take her to the waterfront to let her walk. She loves that! And most evenings we stay home and make sure we are interacting with her and showing her that we love her. Then there is the weekend which we focus on making it family time as much as possible. Be proud of your decision to work outside of the home. Take confidence in the plans God has for you and trust him. Make God number one and your family next and everything else will fall into place.
I find that I have a passion to encourage working mothers to be proud of the choice they have made to work outside of the home. I am not saying that staying home with your child is not commendable, in fact, it's a great thing. I would be a stay at home mother myself atleast in the early years if finances allowed it. However, that is not the case and I find myself working 40 hours a week. I remember feeling guilty in the beginning when Madison was first born. It broke my heart to leave her and go to the office but as I spent MUCH time in prayer about it I found that though I still longed to be with her during the day I was also finding God's purpose for me at work. I've always had the type of job where it involved helping people. It's been my passion and I have always had the passion to help other's find the good in themselves when no one else seemed to care. So I find it necessary to fulfill God's many passions in me.
So I encourage you as a working mother who has found herself in a situation where working is a must. Do not feel guilty for not being at home all day with your child. Find peace in knowing that you have found trust worthy child care. Next find that purpose in your job no matter what it is. Figure out how you can make your time away from home count. Sure, one way it will count is the paycheck that comes but I mean for it to REALLY count. If I am going to be away from home 40 hours a week it has to be in a job that I am busy helping people. Simply working for the pay check would not sustain my joy. So I have prayed continuously that God would use me no matter where I am at. Finding that joy has helped me transform from the working mother who felt guilty about being away from her child to the working mother who is confident in her decision to work outside of the home and knows that God is pleased with my life.
You become confident when you find a balance. God provided that balance for me. Though there were many trying times during my decision to work outside of the home, God carried me through those times and grew my passion to be a dedicated mother, a faithful wife, and a hard working employee. Do not let anyone put you down because you are not with your children at all times. Do not automatically think that because you are not a stay at home mom that you are not giving your best to your child.
Sometimes life throws us in directions that maybe we would rather not take but it's up to us the attitude we take with that. I have chosen to find joy in my work when I am not with my child but I have also chosen to find joy in my child at all times. I do not carry my work home because there has to be boundaries. But I do carry the thoughts of my child everywhere. There are days I am at work and I wonder what she is doing or if she is eating her lunch like she needs to. Sometimes I call just to check on her. I know that she is being taken care of and that our time will come just after work. There are responsibilities that come with being a working mother. You have to choose to get off that couch after coming home from work and play with your child despite that lack of energy. True, you've been working all day, but that's even more the reason to give all of your attention to that child. Besides, you will get your time once your child's bedtime is here. Take advantage of your evenings home with your child after work. Just because you have been gone all day doesn't mean you can't take off that evening too! We will on occasion take Madison out to the park after work to have supper there at the picnic tables. Sometimes we just decide to take her to the waterfront to let her walk. She loves that! And most evenings we stay home and make sure we are interacting with her and showing her that we love her. Then there is the weekend which we focus on making it family time as much as possible. Be proud of your decision to work outside of the home. Take confidence in the plans God has for you and trust him. Make God number one and your family next and everything else will fall into place.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
A Change Of Plans
I am missing the many events of the evening because just shortly after leaving church I noticed Madison had a fever. I noticed when I picked her up from class after church that she was feeling warm. She also wanted me to hold her while we spoke with everyone...which normally she is running around. So I noticed she was not acting herself. We had lunch out today and Madison was clearly warm and laid down beside me while we ate lunch. And sure enough as we got home and I took her temperature, she was running a fever. And we were doing so good for so long and here we go again!!!
I decided I needed to stay home with her because I know that I would not appreciate someone else bringing their sick child to church if it was something the other children could catch. So we stayed home despite the many events of the evening planned while James went to church. I arranged for my K-2 graders to join classes with the 3-5 graders. Hoping the class wasn't too large!! So thankful for those who made the accommodations!! I missed out on some good times this evening but I guess it's one of those things we can not control. Praying the youth event went well tonight and the many other plans for the evening also. James and I are so blessed to be a part of WBCC and it's most definitely a happening place. Thank you to all the people who are part of that church and make it a priority to volunteer their time for so many different things. Thank you for being God's hands!!

This is Madison in her pj's running a fever. I'm thankful that she wasn't too terribly fussy and still had her appetite...if you notice her mouth full of food ;)
I decided I needed to stay home with her because I know that I would not appreciate someone else bringing their sick child to church if it was something the other children could catch. So we stayed home despite the many events of the evening planned while James went to church. I arranged for my K-2 graders to join classes with the 3-5 graders. Hoping the class wasn't too large!! So thankful for those who made the accommodations!! I missed out on some good times this evening but I guess it's one of those things we can not control. Praying the youth event went well tonight and the many other plans for the evening also. James and I are so blessed to be a part of WBCC and it's most definitely a happening place. Thank you to all the people who are part of that church and make it a priority to volunteer their time for so many different things. Thank you for being God's hands!!

This is Madison in her pj's running a fever. I'm thankful that she wasn't too terribly fussy and still had her appetite...if you notice her mouth full of food ;)
When Times Are Difficult
I have had about 30 minutes of quiet time this morning. I figured it would be very important for me to do so since today would be a busy day. I had no intention of reading this passage this morning but in my search for something else I couldn't go past this passage when I came across it. In my quiet time this morning I read from Lamentations chapter 3, the message version. It was about someone who had given up on life altogether. We probably all know someone who has felt that way if it wasn't yourself. But I love the hope that is found in God. It reads as follows:
Lamentations 3:17-2: "I gave up on life altogether. I've forgotten what the good life is like. I said to myself, this is it. I'm finished. God is a lost cause. It's a good thing to hope for help from God. I'll never forget the trouble, the utter lostness, the taste of the ashes, the poison I've swallowed. I remember it all - oh, how well I remember - the feeling of hitting the bottom. But there's one other thing I remember, and remembering, I keep a grip on hope: God's loyal love couldn't have run out, his merciful love couldn't have dried up. They're created new every morning. How great your faithfulness!! I'm sticking with God ( I say it over and over). God proves to be good to the man who passionately waits, to the woman who diligently seeks. It's a good thing to quietly hope, quietly hope for help from God. It's a good thing when you're young to stick it out through the hard times. When life is heavy and hard to take, go off by yourself. Enter the silence. Bow in prayer. Don't ask questions: Wait for hope to appear. Don't run from trouble. Take it full-face. The worst is never the worst. Why? Because the Master won't ever walk out and fail to return. If he works severely, he also works tenderly. His stockpiles of loyal love are immense."
I normally would not have typed an entire passage but I just felt this passage needed to be. What a powerful passage!! I wish I knew about this passage before!! I love it. I love how it's written to where it takes you from the lowest point in this person's life and yet shows the hope this person still has. And it doesn't stop there, there are even directions on how to pray to God and how to make it through those difficult times in your life! What encouragement!! I love how the bible is applicable at all times. I love how you can look for encouragement and even rebuke in the bible at any stage in your life and you will find it. I am thankful that God inspired the writer's of the Bible in such a way that the bible never becomes outdated!!
Lamentations 3:17-2: "I gave up on life altogether. I've forgotten what the good life is like. I said to myself, this is it. I'm finished. God is a lost cause. It's a good thing to hope for help from God. I'll never forget the trouble, the utter lostness, the taste of the ashes, the poison I've swallowed. I remember it all - oh, how well I remember - the feeling of hitting the bottom. But there's one other thing I remember, and remembering, I keep a grip on hope: God's loyal love couldn't have run out, his merciful love couldn't have dried up. They're created new every morning. How great your faithfulness!! I'm sticking with God ( I say it over and over). God proves to be good to the man who passionately waits, to the woman who diligently seeks. It's a good thing to quietly hope, quietly hope for help from God. It's a good thing when you're young to stick it out through the hard times. When life is heavy and hard to take, go off by yourself. Enter the silence. Bow in prayer. Don't ask questions: Wait for hope to appear. Don't run from trouble. Take it full-face. The worst is never the worst. Why? Because the Master won't ever walk out and fail to return. If he works severely, he also works tenderly. His stockpiles of loyal love are immense."
I normally would not have typed an entire passage but I just felt this passage needed to be. What a powerful passage!! I wish I knew about this passage before!! I love it. I love how it's written to where it takes you from the lowest point in this person's life and yet shows the hope this person still has. And it doesn't stop there, there are even directions on how to pray to God and how to make it through those difficult times in your life! What encouragement!! I love how the bible is applicable at all times. I love how you can look for encouragement and even rebuke in the bible at any stage in your life and you will find it. I am thankful that God inspired the writer's of the Bible in such a way that the bible never becomes outdated!!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Just a few pictures from today. Madison is really growing to like football. You can thank James for that! Madison decided this morning that she would like to wear her jersey and run around the house like she was playing football! The picture of her on the tricycle was taken this afternoon at a birthday/anniversary party.

Thankful for such a great day! We were so blessed to spend the afternoon with some wonderful friends! Madison had such a great time with her bff!! I am thankful for how God has brought some very special people into our lives in the last 6 months. Thankful for the little things that make such a big difference. Madison played until she was completely wore out today! She loved every minute she had playing with the kids.
I have been going through Madison's clothes over the past few nights and realizing that she is out growing almost all of her clothes!! So I was prepared to go shopping for summer clothes for her until I remembered tonight there was a bag of clothes a lady had given us not too long ago when her child grew out of her size 3 and 4s!! Thank you God for the ways you provide allowing us to save that money!! We will still need to purchase clothing for her but not near as much as we would have if it wasn't for the blessing of receiving the clothing from someone else.
Looking forward to the rest of my weekend. We have a busy day planned for tomorrow. I've been working on some last minute planning for my lessons for Kid Zone tomorrow and looking forward to our evening we have planned with the youth group! Thank you God for how you are using our family and thank you for your daily blessings!

Thankful for such a great day! We were so blessed to spend the afternoon with some wonderful friends! Madison had such a great time with her bff!! I am thankful for how God has brought some very special people into our lives in the last 6 months. Thankful for the little things that make such a big difference. Madison played until she was completely wore out today! She loved every minute she had playing with the kids.
I have been going through Madison's clothes over the past few nights and realizing that she is out growing almost all of her clothes!! So I was prepared to go shopping for summer clothes for her until I remembered tonight there was a bag of clothes a lady had given us not too long ago when her child grew out of her size 3 and 4s!! Thank you God for the ways you provide allowing us to save that money!! We will still need to purchase clothing for her but not near as much as we would have if it wasn't for the blessing of receiving the clothing from someone else.
Looking forward to the rest of my weekend. We have a busy day planned for tomorrow. I've been working on some last minute planning for my lessons for Kid Zone tomorrow and looking forward to our evening we have planned with the youth group! Thank you God for how you are using our family and thank you for your daily blessings!
The Many Sides Of Beauty
As women let's face it, we naturally have multiple personalities!! On the way to work the other day I could feel my mood changing from "grrrr" to "happy Friday!!" all in the time it took me to drive fifty minutes to my office! But why in the world do we have to be this way!?
Women are special and unique....and all the men said "Amen!!". Psalm 139:14 says, "I will give thanks unto thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made...". I know that God made us all individually with special attention to each of us but as I read this verse I can not help but think it was a man who wrote the book of Psalms!! He obviously was not thinking from a woman's point of view! But in all seriousness, he was thinking from a much broader point of view and it's one that we should all consider. God made us as individuals and gave special attention to each of us.
So why would God create me in such a way that I would not feel great all the time?! In my personal understanding of this I would have to say that if I felt great all the time...A. I would not be near as interesting!! B. My husband's life would be way too easy! C. I would not be appreciative of the moments I felt great. As women there are many stressors to our complicated lives. We take on many roles all while trying to maintain our sanity. So it's only natural that we have days where things are going good and then our days where we feel like we're losing control and are about to burst into tears.
So how do we function in the midst of all this? I find that if I start my day in prayer (which I do not always do) my day will go much smoother. Many times I am praying on my way to work since I spend so much time in my vehicle. Now, no worries, I'm not praying with my eyes closed! I also have to decide that today will not get the best of me no matter how I feel. Sometimes we have to understand that it's ultimately us that will make our day either good or bad. We decide how we let others affect our moods. There are days where horrible things happen and it breaks us. But never forget that the whole time you are trying to carry those burdens in that little bag of yours...God is walking with you waiting for you to give it over to Him. The next time your day is not going quite like you had planned, put all of your "moods" and "unwanted events" of the day in a "bag" and give them over to God. Once you have handed it to Him, don't try to hang on to it. Be done with it and decide the rest of your day will be spent thanking God for the good things.
Women are special and unique....and all the men said "Amen!!". Psalm 139:14 says, "I will give thanks unto thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made...". I know that God made us all individually with special attention to each of us but as I read this verse I can not help but think it was a man who wrote the book of Psalms!! He obviously was not thinking from a woman's point of view! But in all seriousness, he was thinking from a much broader point of view and it's one that we should all consider. God made us as individuals and gave special attention to each of us.
So why would God create me in such a way that I would not feel great all the time?! In my personal understanding of this I would have to say that if I felt great all the time...A. I would not be near as interesting!! B. My husband's life would be way too easy! C. I would not be appreciative of the moments I felt great. As women there are many stressors to our complicated lives. We take on many roles all while trying to maintain our sanity. So it's only natural that we have days where things are going good and then our days where we feel like we're losing control and are about to burst into tears.
So how do we function in the midst of all this? I find that if I start my day in prayer (which I do not always do) my day will go much smoother. Many times I am praying on my way to work since I spend so much time in my vehicle. Now, no worries, I'm not praying with my eyes closed! I also have to decide that today will not get the best of me no matter how I feel. Sometimes we have to understand that it's ultimately us that will make our day either good or bad. We decide how we let others affect our moods. There are days where horrible things happen and it breaks us. But never forget that the whole time you are trying to carry those burdens in that little bag of yours...God is walking with you waiting for you to give it over to Him. The next time your day is not going quite like you had planned, put all of your "moods" and "unwanted events" of the day in a "bag" and give them over to God. Once you have handed it to Him, don't try to hang on to it. Be done with it and decide the rest of your day will be spent thanking God for the good things.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Without Complaining
So it's a day that I could easily complain about BUT...Philippians 2:14 says "Do everything without complaining or arguing". I try to keep this verse in mind almost always. Granted, I do fail at times, but that's what grace is for right? In looking back at my day and if only looking at the faults, I would say...I went with out breakfast which made me really hungry and hard to focus at work, I forgot my wallet at home and did not realize it until halfway to work, got home and realized an animal had gotten into the trash over night and decided it would be cool to throw trash all over my back yard,etc. I could easily let each little thing add up but I began to think about how much worse the day could have been. I made it to work safely, my daughter had a good day at the babysitter, I came home to see that wonderful man of mine, and I am now listening to the monitor as James reads a book to Madison. I decided I was not going to let Satan get hold of me today, especially with such little things.
I decided that each day I am to look at the blessings God has granted me. I am to live each day for the Lord because I am His child. Romans 14:6 - 8: "He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord." Whether I am at work, or at home, or out with family, whatever the case may be, I am to live it to the Lord. So today, even though honestly, it just started out kind of rough for me, I am glad God gave me the insight to understand that yes, it started off a little less than perfect, but why in the world would you complain on such little things!! The Lord made this day and gave me another chance to make a difference for Him. How selfish am I to complain because I had to work without breakfast.God blessed me in helping me find a breakfast bar in my car just around 10:00. So even though I had forgotten my wallet and was unable to get something for breakfast, God still provided for me by helping me remember I placed a breakfast bar in the car over the weekend. I love my God and am convinced that there is nothing too small and nothing to large for him to handle.
I am humbled at my thoughts this morning in comparison to my thoughts this evening as I reflect over my day. It's amazing how little Satan has to work sometimes to get us down. That's why it is so important that we feed ourselves spiritually every chance that we get. Satan is always looking for an opportunity to get a hold of you and that's why God has equipped us with His Word and the Holy Spirit. Thank you God for your grace and forgiveness. I am so thankful for this day because even though it was not perfect for me, it was still a good day. I still came home to my family and I am still a child of God. I do not think there is any other way to end a day.
I decided that each day I am to look at the blessings God has granted me. I am to live each day for the Lord because I am His child. Romans 14:6 - 8: "He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord." Whether I am at work, or at home, or out with family, whatever the case may be, I am to live it to the Lord. So today, even though honestly, it just started out kind of rough for me, I am glad God gave me the insight to understand that yes, it started off a little less than perfect, but why in the world would you complain on such little things!! The Lord made this day and gave me another chance to make a difference for Him. How selfish am I to complain because I had to work without breakfast.God blessed me in helping me find a breakfast bar in my car just around 10:00. So even though I had forgotten my wallet and was unable to get something for breakfast, God still provided for me by helping me remember I placed a breakfast bar in the car over the weekend. I love my God and am convinced that there is nothing too small and nothing to large for him to handle.
I am humbled at my thoughts this morning in comparison to my thoughts this evening as I reflect over my day. It's amazing how little Satan has to work sometimes to get us down. That's why it is so important that we feed ourselves spiritually every chance that we get. Satan is always looking for an opportunity to get a hold of you and that's why God has equipped us with His Word and the Holy Spirit. Thank you God for your grace and forgiveness. I am so thankful for this day because even though it was not perfect for me, it was still a good day. I still came home to my family and I am still a child of God. I do not think there is any other way to end a day.
Monday, April 12, 2010
My Monday
Today was a really good Monday...however, it did start off a little blah! I guess that's how Mondays start though! We filed our taxes this evening and that is usually just a migraine waiting to happen but God really blessed us this year. Thank you God for how you provide and how you answer prayers! My vehicle is needing some maintainance and our return will help with that. We are hoping to build our savings as well. Our savings needs alot more attention than what we give it. We are atleast consistant in an amount that goes to our savings each month but it's always good to find that extra income to put in there as well.
Speaking of money, I booked our hotel room for our vacation. Granted it's still two months away but I'm just that excited. I did the normal research on different internet sites trying to find the best deal. Of course, that's never good enough for me. I am really just looking for the lowest rate the hotel is posting. That way I have a starting point with negotiation. I do get a weird joy out of doing this. I know that I have nothing to lose, however, they do. I booked our rooms today at a great deal. We have a nice hotel to stay at and I ended up getting them $30 lower than what the lady told me was the lowest they could go!! I am obviously not a fan of booking online but it is helpful to see the lowest price listings. But just know that if you will pick up the phone and call them personally you will get a much lower rate. You just have to be okay with them turning you down. Set your budget before you call and make sure your tax is included in the price they give you. It will make your vacation that much more enjoyable knowing you are staying on budget!
Another blessing to my day was finding this corn that someone made for us a while back. I was for certain that it was homemade but when she said it was straight from the frozen section it was music to my ears!! Just for FYI...Green Giant White Corn in Butter is sooooo good!! It's in a small box and you can even cook it in the microwave. Now I am not normally big on cooking things in the microwave because food just doesn't taste as good that way to me, however, that's not the case here. If you are a little challenged at cooking like I am you will love this corn! So for dinner tonight, we had ham (which I froze at Christmas time in bags that were enough for dinners), biscuits, mash potatoes, and corn. It was a super easy meal and it took me 20 minutes total to get everything cooked and ready.
Oh yes, and another blessing from today...Burke's Outlet in Washington!! I finally got around to going today and they really had some good deals. I especially like this place because I found clothes that James likes and cost much lower than what the brand name normally charges. Thank you God for helping me save money!! Thank you for making this day so beautiful with the sunshine and warm weather!
Speaking of money, I booked our hotel room for our vacation. Granted it's still two months away but I'm just that excited. I did the normal research on different internet sites trying to find the best deal. Of course, that's never good enough for me. I am really just looking for the lowest rate the hotel is posting. That way I have a starting point with negotiation. I do get a weird joy out of doing this. I know that I have nothing to lose, however, they do. I booked our rooms today at a great deal. We have a nice hotel to stay at and I ended up getting them $30 lower than what the lady told me was the lowest they could go!! I am obviously not a fan of booking online but it is helpful to see the lowest price listings. But just know that if you will pick up the phone and call them personally you will get a much lower rate. You just have to be okay with them turning you down. Set your budget before you call and make sure your tax is included in the price they give you. It will make your vacation that much more enjoyable knowing you are staying on budget!
Another blessing to my day was finding this corn that someone made for us a while back. I was for certain that it was homemade but when she said it was straight from the frozen section it was music to my ears!! Just for FYI...Green Giant White Corn in Butter is sooooo good!! It's in a small box and you can even cook it in the microwave. Now I am not normally big on cooking things in the microwave because food just doesn't taste as good that way to me, however, that's not the case here. If you are a little challenged at cooking like I am you will love this corn! So for dinner tonight, we had ham (which I froze at Christmas time in bags that were enough for dinners), biscuits, mash potatoes, and corn. It was a super easy meal and it took me 20 minutes total to get everything cooked and ready.
Oh yes, and another blessing from today...Burke's Outlet in Washington!! I finally got around to going today and they really had some good deals. I especially like this place because I found clothes that James likes and cost much lower than what the brand name normally charges. Thank you God for helping me save money!! Thank you for making this day so beautiful with the sunshine and warm weather!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
His Evidence
Days like today are always enjoyable. Can't go wrong with the sun and 73 degrees! We started our day out with church and that is always a good start to our Sunday. Today's sermon was on our prayer life. My prayer life could really use some improvement. I think at times I feel my prayer life is shallow. I know that I talk to God but I am not spending enough time in prayer for other people. I always pray for my family and my friends but in listening today I realized I was still leaving people out.
There are so many people who do not desire to serve God and it breaks my heart. God's evidence is everywhere and especially when looking at nature. I do spend time praying for people that may not put God first in their life or even believe in God. I pray for them because I know the joy I have in my life and I know they can have that joy too. Being at the beach yesterday was just a reminder of the wonderful things God created. I want to make sure that I thank God for those things and pray for others to learn more about God and how their life can be so blessed by Him!! I have had my low moments where serving God was not at the forefront of my mind and I would not do anything to go back. The life I live today is full of challenges but it's such a good life. I see God working in me and stretching me. I pray that I apply today's sermon and enrich my prayer life and spend more time with God. He absolutely deserves it.
In looking at the blessings of today I have to share a little blessing that I found. I have been looking for a used bookshelf for Madison's room. I just wanted a little two shelf bookshelf that Madison and I could sand and repaint. I have been looking for a while and going in and out of antique shops and just places selling used furniture. Today, we took a walk down the boardwalk at the Washington waterfront and enjoyed the sun. I had no intentions of looking for a bookshelf but as we came to almost the end of our walk we saw a little store called "Sentimental Susan" and we walked in. I didn't expect to find much but I decided I would ask the lady in the store anyway. I asked about any bookshelves she had in the store and she instructed me back out the store where she had a few pieces in front of the store. I was really excited when I found exactly what I was looking for and she only charged me $10 for it.!! So that's my little blessing for the day.
There are so many people who do not desire to serve God and it breaks my heart. God's evidence is everywhere and especially when looking at nature. I do spend time praying for people that may not put God first in their life or even believe in God. I pray for them because I know the joy I have in my life and I know they can have that joy too. Being at the beach yesterday was just a reminder of the wonderful things God created. I want to make sure that I thank God for those things and pray for others to learn more about God and how their life can be so blessed by Him!! I have had my low moments where serving God was not at the forefront of my mind and I would not do anything to go back. The life I live today is full of challenges but it's such a good life. I see God working in me and stretching me. I pray that I apply today's sermon and enrich my prayer life and spend more time with God. He absolutely deserves it.
In looking at the blessings of today I have to share a little blessing that I found. I have been looking for a used bookshelf for Madison's room. I just wanted a little two shelf bookshelf that Madison and I could sand and repaint. I have been looking for a while and going in and out of antique shops and just places selling used furniture. Today, we took a walk down the boardwalk at the Washington waterfront and enjoyed the sun. I had no intentions of looking for a bookshelf but as we came to almost the end of our walk we saw a little store called "Sentimental Susan" and we walked in. I didn't expect to find much but I decided I would ask the lady in the store anyway. I asked about any bookshelves she had in the store and she instructed me back out the store where she had a few pieces in front of the store. I was really excited when I found exactly what I was looking for and she only charged me $10 for it.!! So that's my little blessing for the day.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Our Day At The Beach
I spent my day with my family and it was by far a fun and entertaining day! I thanked God for creating something so beautiful that it absolutely took our breath away. The beach was amazing and as always, my favorite place to go. The weather was just barely warm enough to be out there but not quite warm enough for bathing suits. This was Madison's first trip to the ocean. She has been to the soundside when she was younger and was never a fan of any of it. So we decided today we would try her at the ocean and see how it goes. Once we got there we just let her lose and she played and had the most fun. Madison also flew a kite for the first time and she really liked that. I have a ton of pictures of it all and I can not wait to go back. Thank you God for my amazing family and for a place as beautiful as the beach to spend it at!
Friday, April 9, 2010
I can not stop smiling. I had not realized how long this week had been until I got home and remembered it was Friday!!! I do not have to go back to work until Monday!! It's going to be a great weekend. Looking at the forecast it sounds like a great day to take the family to the beach!!
It's just been a really hectic week, a full schedule at work and things to take care of outside of work. Glad it's time to relax. I am going to make sure we have time just as a family tomorrow to relax and do something fun. It's important to balance stress out with relaxation. Looking back over the past few months we have really been busy keeping schedules that involved mainly everything other than taking time for just the three of us. I take a lot of joy in my family and the time we get to spend together. I know that Madison will continue to grow up much faster than I want her to. I hope that you understand the importance of slowing down from schedules, especially work schedules, to take time for your family.
I realized I was not giving enough time to my family when I worked in Mental Health. I was on call and found it difficult when I left the office to relax. Had a boss that looked down on us if we did not work more than 40 hours a week. I lasted about 5 years in Mental Health and then switched to working in Substance Abuse. I am in a position where I am not on call EVER and it's fabulous!! I work a job where we are encouraged to stay at our 40 hours and not work over. So if you have to work make sure it's not doing something that will consume you to the point you start spending less time with your family and begin spending more time at work. When that starts happening, I hope you will stop and reevaluate your purpose in life and what really matters. We all need to make money and pay our bills but the people in your life need you and God will provide if you trust him. Balance is an important thing and I feel like I have a healthy balance now but I have not always had that balance. It took me leaving a job that consumed me to going to another one that allows me to grow in my passion to help others and yet still feel like I am spending enough time with my family.
God has always provided for me. I am thankful for having a job where I am able to leave "work" at work and focus completely on my family when I am at home. I truly hope you guys have a great weekend and try to relax a little!!
It's just been a really hectic week, a full schedule at work and things to take care of outside of work. Glad it's time to relax. I am going to make sure we have time just as a family tomorrow to relax and do something fun. It's important to balance stress out with relaxation. Looking back over the past few months we have really been busy keeping schedules that involved mainly everything other than taking time for just the three of us. I take a lot of joy in my family and the time we get to spend together. I know that Madison will continue to grow up much faster than I want her to. I hope that you understand the importance of slowing down from schedules, especially work schedules, to take time for your family.
I realized I was not giving enough time to my family when I worked in Mental Health. I was on call and found it difficult when I left the office to relax. Had a boss that looked down on us if we did not work more than 40 hours a week. I lasted about 5 years in Mental Health and then switched to working in Substance Abuse. I am in a position where I am not on call EVER and it's fabulous!! I work a job where we are encouraged to stay at our 40 hours and not work over. So if you have to work make sure it's not doing something that will consume you to the point you start spending less time with your family and begin spending more time at work. When that starts happening, I hope you will stop and reevaluate your purpose in life and what really matters. We all need to make money and pay our bills but the people in your life need you and God will provide if you trust him. Balance is an important thing and I feel like I have a healthy balance now but I have not always had that balance. It took me leaving a job that consumed me to going to another one that allows me to grow in my passion to help others and yet still feel like I am spending enough time with my family.
God has always provided for me. I am thankful for having a job where I am able to leave "work" at work and focus completely on my family when I am at home. I truly hope you guys have a great weekend and try to relax a little!!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Just Breathing
I am sitting here in complete silence for just a moment. I made it home before James and he is picking Madison up from the babysitter today. Oh how I love my moments where I can just sit still and breathe. I'm just kind of taking in the events of the day and trying to wind down before the little one gets here!! She's a ball of fun but it is hard to keep up with her at times.
My focus for this evening is to reduce tv time and increase actual interaction with Madison. We are really good about spending time with her but last night I think James and I were so tired after getting home from work that we sat down with her and watched Bob the Builder. It's okay to do this occasionally but if the tv is on then Madison is really focused on the tv and I do not want her growing up to only want to watch tv. She loves to be outside and to swing!! The girl LOVES to swing and have someone push her. It's exciting to see her light up when she goes out to play and especially when she has her friends to play with. It's incredibly cute to see kids who are so young go out and play together.
I'm thankful for this life God has blessed me with and the people God crosses into my path. I am especially thankful for this sunshine we have had and the beautiful weather!! However, I am absolutely screaming for a day at the beach but it will come in time. Can't wait to sit down with James and plan the details of our vacation. I am going to be so excited when it gets here!! I love road trips and especially time to spend with Madison and James for an entire week with no responsibilities!!! My little one has just walked in the door, time to hang out with her!!
My focus for this evening is to reduce tv time and increase actual interaction with Madison. We are really good about spending time with her but last night I think James and I were so tired after getting home from work that we sat down with her and watched Bob the Builder. It's okay to do this occasionally but if the tv is on then Madison is really focused on the tv and I do not want her growing up to only want to watch tv. She loves to be outside and to swing!! The girl LOVES to swing and have someone push her. It's exciting to see her light up when she goes out to play and especially when she has her friends to play with. It's incredibly cute to see kids who are so young go out and play together.
I'm thankful for this life God has blessed me with and the people God crosses into my path. I am especially thankful for this sunshine we have had and the beautiful weather!! However, I am absolutely screaming for a day at the beach but it will come in time. Can't wait to sit down with James and plan the details of our vacation. I am going to be so excited when it gets here!! I love road trips and especially time to spend with Madison and James for an entire week with no responsibilities!!! My little one has just walked in the door, time to hang out with her!!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Things That Make Me Smile
1. A fresh clean hot towel straight out of the dryer!
2. Madison saying "Mommy" and running to hug me when she first
sees me after a day at work.
3. Those "just because" surprises from James.
4. The look and smell of a freshly clean home.
5. A fun day spent outside in the sun with the family.
6. A relaxing day at the beach.
7. Fresh clean sheets to fall asleep on.
8. Catching great moments on camera.
9. Learning something new about a person that gives you an understanding of the character they have built.
10. College friends that are still my bff's!!
11. New friends that make everyday life a blessing.
2. Madison saying "Mommy" and running to hug me when she first
sees me after a day at work.
3. Those "just because" surprises from James.
4. The look and smell of a freshly clean home.
5. A fun day spent outside in the sun with the family.
6. A relaxing day at the beach.
7. Fresh clean sheets to fall asleep on.
8. Catching great moments on camera.
9. Learning something new about a person that gives you an understanding of the character they have built.
10. College friends that are still my bff's!!
11. New friends that make everyday life a blessing.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Feeling overwhelmed tonight and finding comfort in Romans 15:13: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit".
Not a whole lot of words to share tonight other than I am feeling burdened. It's one of those nights where everything kind of rolls together and you know it's going to be a sleepless night. I trust God will always take care of me and my family. I need to give my worries over to Him but apparently I'm not doing such a good job of that tonight. I have such a faithful God and He has never let me down.
I keep going back to scripture because I am a little speechless tonight. I do not know what to say other than I love God and know that things will work out as they always do. My heart is burdened for different people tonight and trials they are facing but my heart is also burdened for personal reasons. Another scripture that I cling to is Matthew 6:34: "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own".
To let you in on a little bit about me...my house is typically extra clean when I have things on my mind. I can not sit still so I keep going and tonight that proved very productive for me. As I blog I have the sound of the washing machine and dish washer in the background and the monitor of a 3 year old who is sleeping. Still plenty to come tonight and will most likely wake up in the morning with a very clean home. So I am seeing the up side to being stressed but I do not enjoy this feeling. I love God and am thankful for the wisdom He provides in life's situations.
Not a whole lot of words to share tonight other than I am feeling burdened. It's one of those nights where everything kind of rolls together and you know it's going to be a sleepless night. I trust God will always take care of me and my family. I need to give my worries over to Him but apparently I'm not doing such a good job of that tonight. I have such a faithful God and He has never let me down.
I keep going back to scripture because I am a little speechless tonight. I do not know what to say other than I love God and know that things will work out as they always do. My heart is burdened for different people tonight and trials they are facing but my heart is also burdened for personal reasons. Another scripture that I cling to is Matthew 6:34: "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own".
To let you in on a little bit about me...my house is typically extra clean when I have things on my mind. I can not sit still so I keep going and tonight that proved very productive for me. As I blog I have the sound of the washing machine and dish washer in the background and the monitor of a 3 year old who is sleeping. Still plenty to come tonight and will most likely wake up in the morning with a very clean home. So I am seeing the up side to being stressed but I do not enjoy this feeling. I love God and am thankful for the wisdom He provides in life's situations.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Don't Sweat The Small Stuff
1. It's okay if he leaves his dirty clothes in the bedroom floor instead of walking an extra 1-2 feet to the bathroom (which is connected to the bedroom) where the clothes should be...pick them up and be done with it...some would argue me on this but trust me...just do it.
2. It's okay if the yard work is rarely done because he's not an outside kind of guy...do it yourself and get that tan you've been wanting!!
3. So what if he likes to read books in the bathroom...for as much time he spends in there he's got to be doing something right!
4. Sure it makes sense putting an empty ice tray back into the freezer...maybe just maybe he's trying to conserve water b/c there's always atleast a drop of water or two left in the ice tray! Yep, I know...that was a stretch...
5. So what if he dislocates his knee and tears ligaments in his knee because he was trying to do the dance to "I'm A Little Tea Pot"...the kids love him right?! And it makes for a great story...we will look back on that for years and roll!!
6. And so what if he wants to debate everything you try to bring up that is related to the Bible...that's YOUR fault for trying to debate a preacher!!
You can't sweat the small stuff. We all have those days where you can't seem to get along or someone is in a bad mood right? Well it's in those moments that we have to take a step back and realize that if saying something about it will not help then maybe it's best to just keep the mouth shut. Sure...it's going to take some pride swallowing to be quiet. But having a marriage that is more than just existing is much more important than just simply being married. I am more than married to James...I am in love with James. So it's important to me that he knows that daily. It's what you put in your marriage on a daily basis. Not just once a year when your anniversary comes around or on a birthday but it's daily. I like to send James text messages sometimes just to let him know I'm thinking of him. He does the same thing for me. So for everything I listed above there are 10,000 things that he does right for each one. We can't go day in and day out holding on to what should have been done differently or what was never done in the first place, etc...We have got to be a generation that takes marriage to a whole other level.
I strongly desire for Madison to look at our marriage and have that as a model for when she decides she is ready to marry. I want her understanding what a marriage is really about and that married people can be happy. Marriage is always the butt of all jokes right? Well mine most definetly is not...not in a serious light anyway. There are plenty other jokes that have occured since we have been married that I could go all night on! But that's what I love. I love that silly things happen sometimes and it's enough to make us laugh. I like that we have been married for almost 8 years this July and we are continuously growing more in love with each other. It's the marriage I dreamed of. Naturally not everything that has happened along the way is what I would have dreamed of happening but the big picture is just that. It's what God has blessed me with and shown me that all of my efforts are not in vain. I see my marriage and I know that God is listening to my prayers. Being married is a privilege and but it does come with expectations and job responsibilities per say. It takes work. Marriage is more than just a feeling...it's a commitment.
2. It's okay if the yard work is rarely done because he's not an outside kind of guy...do it yourself and get that tan you've been wanting!!
3. So what if he likes to read books in the bathroom...for as much time he spends in there he's got to be doing something right!
4. Sure it makes sense putting an empty ice tray back into the freezer...maybe just maybe he's trying to conserve water b/c there's always atleast a drop of water or two left in the ice tray! Yep, I know...that was a stretch...
5. So what if he dislocates his knee and tears ligaments in his knee because he was trying to do the dance to "I'm A Little Tea Pot"...the kids love him right?! And it makes for a great story...we will look back on that for years and roll!!
6. And so what if he wants to debate everything you try to bring up that is related to the Bible...that's YOUR fault for trying to debate a preacher!!
You can't sweat the small stuff. We all have those days where you can't seem to get along or someone is in a bad mood right? Well it's in those moments that we have to take a step back and realize that if saying something about it will not help then maybe it's best to just keep the mouth shut. Sure...it's going to take some pride swallowing to be quiet. But having a marriage that is more than just existing is much more important than just simply being married. I am more than married to James...I am in love with James. So it's important to me that he knows that daily. It's what you put in your marriage on a daily basis. Not just once a year when your anniversary comes around or on a birthday but it's daily. I like to send James text messages sometimes just to let him know I'm thinking of him. He does the same thing for me. So for everything I listed above there are 10,000 things that he does right for each one. We can't go day in and day out holding on to what should have been done differently or what was never done in the first place, etc...We have got to be a generation that takes marriage to a whole other level.
I strongly desire for Madison to look at our marriage and have that as a model for when she decides she is ready to marry. I want her understanding what a marriage is really about and that married people can be happy. Marriage is always the butt of all jokes right? Well mine most definetly is not...not in a serious light anyway. There are plenty other jokes that have occured since we have been married that I could go all night on! But that's what I love. I love that silly things happen sometimes and it's enough to make us laugh. I like that we have been married for almost 8 years this July and we are continuously growing more in love with each other. It's the marriage I dreamed of. Naturally not everything that has happened along the way is what I would have dreamed of happening but the big picture is just that. It's what God has blessed me with and shown me that all of my efforts are not in vain. I see my marriage and I know that God is listening to my prayers. Being married is a privilege and but it does come with expectations and job responsibilities per say. It takes work. Marriage is more than just a feeling...it's a commitment.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Just Blessed...
What an awesome yet super busy week! I haven't sat down to blog in almost a week! Where do I begin? My week has been nothing but awesome. I had a wonderful chance to get to know some people a little better and was blessed by that. I also had the opportunity to be a part of a drama this week that was nothing but AMAZING!! Had the chance to see my love for Christ grow so much more! And that's always great!! Of course, I'm wore slam out and feel like I need a vacation but I have the hope of knowing it will soon be summer time and vacation will be here!!!
Today was such a great day. I had the chance to go to PCOC where dad was singing in the cantata. It's always good to go back to your home church and see so many people that were a part of molding you into who you are today. That church was a huge impact in my life and I am thankful God placed me and my family there. I did miss my WBCC people today. They are becoming more and more a part of my heart as I learn about them and what consumes their lives. "Blessed beyond measure" is the only words that come to mind when I look at this past week.
I look at my family and the growing that has happened within us since the long recovery my grandmother went through and I see some of God's purpsose in her suffering. Today was a special day because my Grandma Grace was able to return to church today for the first time since April of last year. It was an emotional Sunday for her but a joyous one at that!! God used her to grow my faith but He also used her to bring our family closer together. Spending time in the hospital with so many family members that you don't see every day will either make you or break you! But it was nice to see our family pull together like that and know that in times of troubles we were strong.
Today was also spent at mom and dad's house with some family and having Easter lunch and a birthday party for my nephew Landen. He turned 1 today!! He had lots of fun with the birthday cake! But in looking back in this week and even though I am physically tired, I am energized emotionally and spiritually. I am reminded of what Easter is truly about and though it's nice to have the Easter egg hunts and chocolate candy it's even more rewarding to know that Christ loved me so very much that he died for me and then arose!! I love Him so very much! I am excited for my family and what God has planned for us. I know as long as I am allowing God to lead us I can live at peace in the decisions we make.
Today was such a great day. I had the chance to go to PCOC where dad was singing in the cantata. It's always good to go back to your home church and see so many people that were a part of molding you into who you are today. That church was a huge impact in my life and I am thankful God placed me and my family there. I did miss my WBCC people today. They are becoming more and more a part of my heart as I learn about them and what consumes their lives. "Blessed beyond measure" is the only words that come to mind when I look at this past week.
I look at my family and the growing that has happened within us since the long recovery my grandmother went through and I see some of God's purpsose in her suffering. Today was a special day because my Grandma Grace was able to return to church today for the first time since April of last year. It was an emotional Sunday for her but a joyous one at that!! God used her to grow my faith but He also used her to bring our family closer together. Spending time in the hospital with so many family members that you don't see every day will either make you or break you! But it was nice to see our family pull together like that and know that in times of troubles we were strong.
Today was also spent at mom and dad's house with some family and having Easter lunch and a birthday party for my nephew Landen. He turned 1 today!! He had lots of fun with the birthday cake! But in looking back in this week and even though I am physically tired, I am energized emotionally and spiritually. I am reminded of what Easter is truly about and though it's nice to have the Easter egg hunts and chocolate candy it's even more rewarding to know that Christ loved me so very much that he died for me and then arose!! I love Him so very much! I am excited for my family and what God has planned for us. I know as long as I am allowing God to lead us I can live at peace in the decisions we make.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Just Keep Swimming...
So I am struggling a little tonight as I attempt to make a grocery list to start for next week. I am not in the mood to plan a "HEALTHY" list so I decided to just stop and wait till I am ready to. Eating healthy is a forever adventure for me. Ups and downs!! But I know it's important for me to do so. I feel like I have accomplished getting off of caffiene so now I am attempting to be more consistant in eating healthy. I have gone from picking up Diet Mt Dew through out the day to constantly refilling my water bottle which I'm really excited about! Getting past the headaches was a little tough but I'm so glad I stuck with it.
Tonight I made the Baked Zitti from the Weight Watcher's facebook fan page. I actually used wheat pasta instead and James liked it! So we are slowly building our list of healthy recipes that we like. I've got to get better at doing alot of cooking on the weekend so that I can freeze those meals and have them ready for during the week. It's when I am coming home and very tired that I am most likely to cook something quick and unhealthy. It would be great to be able to pull that meal that I cooked over the weekend out of the freezer and warm it up. It's a goal so I'm working towards it. It will not start this weekend though, but I will work towards it making next weekend's goal.
This is a very busy week. Through all the personal goals I have and the daily schedules I just keep telling myself "just keep swimming, just keep swimming!" Praying God keeps my energy level up so that I can keep up with all of the demands on my schedule! Praying this week as people prepare for Easter Sunday that they will remember what Christ did for us even after this Sunday has past. Praying people find a church family they can connect with and continue coming and growing in Christ. I would love for everyone to experience the joy and the blessing it is to grow in Christ and to serve Him. Hope everyone has a restful night!! I'm sure hoping I do :)
Tonight I made the Baked Zitti from the Weight Watcher's facebook fan page. I actually used wheat pasta instead and James liked it! So we are slowly building our list of healthy recipes that we like. I've got to get better at doing alot of cooking on the weekend so that I can freeze those meals and have them ready for during the week. It's when I am coming home and very tired that I am most likely to cook something quick and unhealthy. It would be great to be able to pull that meal that I cooked over the weekend out of the freezer and warm it up. It's a goal so I'm working towards it. It will not start this weekend though, but I will work towards it making next weekend's goal.
This is a very busy week. Through all the personal goals I have and the daily schedules I just keep telling myself "just keep swimming, just keep swimming!" Praying God keeps my energy level up so that I can keep up with all of the demands on my schedule! Praying this week as people prepare for Easter Sunday that they will remember what Christ did for us even after this Sunday has past. Praying people find a church family they can connect with and continue coming and growing in Christ. I would love for everyone to experience the joy and the blessing it is to grow in Christ and to serve Him. Hope everyone has a restful night!! I'm sure hoping I do :)
Monday, March 29, 2010
Over This Weekend...
Over this weekend I have noticed some things...
I could visibly see my child growing older.
I faced a "small" fear and survived.
James really thinks alot of our preacher. James was heart broken when it started raining Friday evening and he couldn't cook out...his words were: "But he deserves steaks not pizza". So sweet...
Our preacher has a growing interest in karoake that will be much fun to encourage!
My heart truly goes out to young girls/teens/women that are searching for acceptance and confidence...
I have a crazy husband...need I say more?
My neighbor enjoys the company of the neighborhood children.
My husband can not dance with out injuring himself.
WBCC teens are awesome.
I have not had a headache for a couple of days and I am on day 8 of no caffiene!!
I am getting to know people better at church and am cherishing those moments.
My husband is stubborn and still thinks he can do anything even though he's not suppose to be on his leg :)
Madison has been super sweet these last few weeks and doing a wonderful job in listening and doing what I say.
I am truly enjoying the Easter Drama this year because I chose to not sing as I would normally do. I decided it was okay to not be in the "Cantata" as some expected. God blessed my decision!
I saw some of God's little blessings that made me smile.
That was my weekend in a nutshell. My once again very random blog. Looking forward to this very busy week and the blessings I know it will bring!
I could visibly see my child growing older.
I faced a "small" fear and survived.
James really thinks alot of our preacher. James was heart broken when it started raining Friday evening and he couldn't cook out...his words were: "But he deserves steaks not pizza". So sweet...
Our preacher has a growing interest in karoake that will be much fun to encourage!
My heart truly goes out to young girls/teens/women that are searching for acceptance and confidence...
I have a crazy husband...need I say more?
My neighbor enjoys the company of the neighborhood children.
My husband can not dance with out injuring himself.
WBCC teens are awesome.
I have not had a headache for a couple of days and I am on day 8 of no caffiene!!
I am getting to know people better at church and am cherishing those moments.
My husband is stubborn and still thinks he can do anything even though he's not suppose to be on his leg :)
Madison has been super sweet these last few weeks and doing a wonderful job in listening and doing what I say.
I am truly enjoying the Easter Drama this year because I chose to not sing as I would normally do. I decided it was okay to not be in the "Cantata" as some expected. God blessed my decision!
I saw some of God's little blessings that made me smile.
That was my weekend in a nutshell. My once again very random blog. Looking forward to this very busy week and the blessings I know it will bring!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Quick and Healthy Snack
I love it when I find a healthy snack that I actually enjoy! So I thought I'd share. This is a recipe I found from Weight Watchers. Enjoy!!
Hot Fiesta Dip
You will need:
10oz package frozen whole kernel corn
1 1/2 cups refridgerated salsa
3/4 cup reduced fat shredded mexican style cheese
2 tbsp chopped scallion
Microwave frozen corn according to the package directions. Drain. Combine corn and salsa in a microwave safe 9 inch pie plate. Cover with plastic wrap; vent. Microwave on high 2 minutes or until bubbly. Sprinkle cheddar cheese over corn mixture; cover and let stand 5 minutes or until cheese melts. Top with chopped scallion.
When we make this snack we actually make it with out the chopped scallion. But you make it how you like it! Serve this dip with baked tortilla chips.
Hot Fiesta Dip
You will need:
10oz package frozen whole kernel corn
1 1/2 cups refridgerated salsa
3/4 cup reduced fat shredded mexican style cheese
2 tbsp chopped scallion
Microwave frozen corn according to the package directions. Drain. Combine corn and salsa in a microwave safe 9 inch pie plate. Cover with plastic wrap; vent. Microwave on high 2 minutes or until bubbly. Sprinkle cheddar cheese over corn mixture; cover and let stand 5 minutes or until cheese melts. Top with chopped scallion.
When we make this snack we actually make it with out the chopped scallion. But you make it how you like it! Serve this dip with baked tortilla chips.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Being Uncomfortable
I read a facebook status today that I really liked. I have blogged on it before but it was a nice reminder for me today. I think God works like that. God uses our everyday life to remind us of those little things to direct us back to Him. It was a status that talked about living a comfortable life. I've blogged before how I felt I was currently living a comfortable life and realized that in order for my faith to grow I would have to step out of my comfort zone. So that has been on my mind tonight.
It's always exciting to try something new, yet scary at the same time. Sometimes it's necessary to do things out of fear. Sometimes our faith doesn't kick in until we are doing something that we have no idea how it will turn out. I know that when I am doing something that requires faith to get me through it's then I am really doing what God wants me to do. Not everything we do will require "being out of our comfort zone" but there should be times when we are taking those uncomfortable steps of faith. Another facebook status I read a while back that ties in to this is "what are you doing today that requires faith". That too was a reminder yet more like a slap in the face. What am I doing today that requires faith?? Really and honestly, not a whole lot! We live very comfortable lives that we plan out. We know how much money to make to pay our bills, we plan our grocery list so that we have food to eat, we make plans for vacations that we desire to take in order to get away from the every day norm, etc. But what are we doing that is out of the norm. How are we applying God's word to our every day life. Now don't get me wrong on this, I'm not saying that if you are not living out of your comfort zone then you are not living for God. But what I am saying is if we are comfortable day in and day out then maybe we need to reevaluate our purpose in life. I know I have to reevaluate regularly. I get very comfortable in what I do. But I have found in my moments of complete nervousness that it's after those moments that I have grown.
People are so different so what may be uncomfortable for one person may not be for another. Something that I really enjoy doing yet find that does not come naturally is being hospitable. Something as simple as having people over to my house can be stressful. I find that I have so much fun having people over but the part of preparing is nerve wrecking for me at times. And the more I look at my reasonings to why, I realize that it actually has nothing to do with having people over to my house. I find that I am very uncomfortable with the idea of having to cook for guests. I know that I can follow simple directions and recipes but I also know I am no chef!! While this may all seem very little in the light of how we would normally view taking leaps of faith for God, I know that it is part of everyday life for me that I am yet to be comfortable with. Something I had to learn was that I needed to not try to make new dishes or try to make things that were difficult to make. For me, the key is keeping it simple. And so having people over now is an absolute blast. We get to know people so much better when we have had them over to our home. And isn't that what it's all about? Getting to know people and sharing your life with them. Of course in our world, it's not always necessary to have them in our home since our world is becoming more and more virtual. Which is another positive to my blogging.
You will find in our home that we are very laid back. Sometimes I may not be the best host and have the nicest things to serve your food on but hopefully you will enjoy your time here and learn a little bit of what we are about. I find that sharing our life with others is so very important, weaknesses and all!! I know that I will grow in my area of hospitality as I get older but I do view it as something I am taking a step of faith on. Hopefully I am not the only one that struggles with this and if so, I know that God is there with me even in these little things. We all have those little things that we feel we should not be fearful in doing but yet we still are. Just know that it's okay and that is what faith is for.
It's always exciting to try something new, yet scary at the same time. Sometimes it's necessary to do things out of fear. Sometimes our faith doesn't kick in until we are doing something that we have no idea how it will turn out. I know that when I am doing something that requires faith to get me through it's then I am really doing what God wants me to do. Not everything we do will require "being out of our comfort zone" but there should be times when we are taking those uncomfortable steps of faith. Another facebook status I read a while back that ties in to this is "what are you doing today that requires faith". That too was a reminder yet more like a slap in the face. What am I doing today that requires faith?? Really and honestly, not a whole lot! We live very comfortable lives that we plan out. We know how much money to make to pay our bills, we plan our grocery list so that we have food to eat, we make plans for vacations that we desire to take in order to get away from the every day norm, etc. But what are we doing that is out of the norm. How are we applying God's word to our every day life. Now don't get me wrong on this, I'm not saying that if you are not living out of your comfort zone then you are not living for God. But what I am saying is if we are comfortable day in and day out then maybe we need to reevaluate our purpose in life. I know I have to reevaluate regularly. I get very comfortable in what I do. But I have found in my moments of complete nervousness that it's after those moments that I have grown.
People are so different so what may be uncomfortable for one person may not be for another. Something that I really enjoy doing yet find that does not come naturally is being hospitable. Something as simple as having people over to my house can be stressful. I find that I have so much fun having people over but the part of preparing is nerve wrecking for me at times. And the more I look at my reasonings to why, I realize that it actually has nothing to do with having people over to my house. I find that I am very uncomfortable with the idea of having to cook for guests. I know that I can follow simple directions and recipes but I also know I am no chef!! While this may all seem very little in the light of how we would normally view taking leaps of faith for God, I know that it is part of everyday life for me that I am yet to be comfortable with. Something I had to learn was that I needed to not try to make new dishes or try to make things that were difficult to make. For me, the key is keeping it simple. And so having people over now is an absolute blast. We get to know people so much better when we have had them over to our home. And isn't that what it's all about? Getting to know people and sharing your life with them. Of course in our world, it's not always necessary to have them in our home since our world is becoming more and more virtual. Which is another positive to my blogging.
You will find in our home that we are very laid back. Sometimes I may not be the best host and have the nicest things to serve your food on but hopefully you will enjoy your time here and learn a little bit of what we are about. I find that sharing our life with others is so very important, weaknesses and all!! I know that I will grow in my area of hospitality as I get older but I do view it as something I am taking a step of faith on. Hopefully I am not the only one that struggles with this and if so, I know that God is there with me even in these little things. We all have those little things that we feel we should not be fearful in doing but yet we still are. Just know that it's okay and that is what faith is for.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Day 3
It's day 3 of no caffiene. If you have ever gone through any kind of withdrawal you know how I am feeling. I have had a painful headache all day. Makes it hard to focus on what's going on and even trying to engage in a conversation. Despite how I have been feeling it has been a good day though. I know I will get past these initial days of withdrawal and it will be worth it.
Today we had clinicals and then training so it was nice to have something other than the usual office day. Our training was a nice reminder of making sure we are taking care of ourselves not only as professionals in our job but also as individuals away from our job. We all talked about ways we relieve stress and take time for ourselves and one of my ways was blogging. I have found that blogging has been very therapeutic for me. Now granted, it means you guys are catching all my thoughts!! But it has been a nice journey and a nice way to unwind at the end of the day.
Something else we were reminded of at this training is that the clients we serve are individuals too. Sometimes it's easy to get into the swing of things and a routine and judge a person by the diagnosis you have given them rather than looking at the positives in that person's life and the events that have made that person who they are today. We should never think we are better than someone else. I work with people who are on probation and also with paroles, people who have been in prison. It's easy for us to think that we are better but we're not. I have to be reminded sometimes that these very people in my office need to feel like they are one of us, like they belong. They are already placed with a stereotype once entering the court system with a record that will follow them, so our clients need to see that not everyone is looking at them with the same light. They need to know that someone still has that hope that life doesn't just get worse from here. I like knowing that I can be that light for someone. Makes the job worth it.
And of course, my husband reminded me of the very same thing today. We were talking on the phone and I was telling him how I was still having headaches from not drinking caffiene and how I knew if I just drank a diet dew my headache would go away. James, being the humbling man that he his ;), reminded me that my clients go through that every day. They experience those withdrawal symptoms at a higher intensity and even stronger urge to use knowing it will make them feel better for the moment. I love him and how he always puts things in perspective. And while I know my client's go through these things, it's been a positive reminder for me coming off something as simple as caffiene. It's a reminder for me to be more empathetic towards my client and to meet them where they are on their road to recovery.
So what do I have the urge to do when I have headaches from no caffiene!!??? Eat!! Which reminds me! Virginia, here is your recipe :) James and I do like this recipe and I espcially like it because it's super easy to make. It's also from the Weight Watcher's cookbook and is only 5 points. It's 292 calories, 3 g fat, and 4 g fiber.
Baked Stuffed Potatoes with Ham and Cheese:
You will need: 4 (8 ounce) baking potatoes
1/3 cup fat free sour cream
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
1 cup diced lean deli ham
1 cup shredded fat free cheddar cheese
Chopped fresh chives
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil.
2. With a fork, prick the potatoes in several places. Place on the baking sheet and bake for 50 minutes.
3. Wearing oven mitts, cut off and discard a thin slice from each potato. Scoop out the potato flesh, leaving a 1/4 inch wall. Transfer the flesh to a medium bowl and mash with the sour cream, salt, and pepper. Spoon the filling evenly back into the potato shells. Top the potatoes evenly with the ham and cheese.
4. Preheat the broiler. Return the potatoes to the baking sheet and broil until the cheese is melted, about 3 minutes. Sprinkle evenly with the chives.
Hope you enjoy the recipe!! I'm always looking for quick and easy recipes that are healthy. Trying to get the strength to follow through this evening with the dinner that was planned but I'm not sure how that will go. May have to be a quick dinner night instead. Now I am off to clean a little and get my mind off this headache!!
Today we had clinicals and then training so it was nice to have something other than the usual office day. Our training was a nice reminder of making sure we are taking care of ourselves not only as professionals in our job but also as individuals away from our job. We all talked about ways we relieve stress and take time for ourselves and one of my ways was blogging. I have found that blogging has been very therapeutic for me. Now granted, it means you guys are catching all my thoughts!! But it has been a nice journey and a nice way to unwind at the end of the day.
Something else we were reminded of at this training is that the clients we serve are individuals too. Sometimes it's easy to get into the swing of things and a routine and judge a person by the diagnosis you have given them rather than looking at the positives in that person's life and the events that have made that person who they are today. We should never think we are better than someone else. I work with people who are on probation and also with paroles, people who have been in prison. It's easy for us to think that we are better but we're not. I have to be reminded sometimes that these very people in my office need to feel like they are one of us, like they belong. They are already placed with a stereotype once entering the court system with a record that will follow them, so our clients need to see that not everyone is looking at them with the same light. They need to know that someone still has that hope that life doesn't just get worse from here. I like knowing that I can be that light for someone. Makes the job worth it.
And of course, my husband reminded me of the very same thing today. We were talking on the phone and I was telling him how I was still having headaches from not drinking caffiene and how I knew if I just drank a diet dew my headache would go away. James, being the humbling man that he his ;), reminded me that my clients go through that every day. They experience those withdrawal symptoms at a higher intensity and even stronger urge to use knowing it will make them feel better for the moment. I love him and how he always puts things in perspective. And while I know my client's go through these things, it's been a positive reminder for me coming off something as simple as caffiene. It's a reminder for me to be more empathetic towards my client and to meet them where they are on their road to recovery.
So what do I have the urge to do when I have headaches from no caffiene!!??? Eat!! Which reminds me! Virginia, here is your recipe :) James and I do like this recipe and I espcially like it because it's super easy to make. It's also from the Weight Watcher's cookbook and is only 5 points. It's 292 calories, 3 g fat, and 4 g fiber.
Baked Stuffed Potatoes with Ham and Cheese:
You will need: 4 (8 ounce) baking potatoes
1/3 cup fat free sour cream
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
1 cup diced lean deli ham
1 cup shredded fat free cheddar cheese
Chopped fresh chives
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil.
2. With a fork, prick the potatoes in several places. Place on the baking sheet and bake for 50 minutes.
3. Wearing oven mitts, cut off and discard a thin slice from each potato. Scoop out the potato flesh, leaving a 1/4 inch wall. Transfer the flesh to a medium bowl and mash with the sour cream, salt, and pepper. Spoon the filling evenly back into the potato shells. Top the potatoes evenly with the ham and cheese.
4. Preheat the broiler. Return the potatoes to the baking sheet and broil until the cheese is melted, about 3 minutes. Sprinkle evenly with the chives.
Hope you enjoy the recipe!! I'm always looking for quick and easy recipes that are healthy. Trying to get the strength to follow through this evening with the dinner that was planned but I'm not sure how that will go. May have to be a quick dinner night instead. Now I am off to clean a little and get my mind off this headache!!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
A Little Edgy...
I think today has been a very long day for me. I didn't realize just how long it really seemed until about ten minutes ago. I am on day two of no caffiene. I have replaced my diet mountain dew with water. I know it's the healthy thing to do and it will make me feel so much better. I am currently going thru the withdrawal of having no caffiene so I have had a headache all day long. I know that I can do this and I'm thinking I should be past most of the withdrawal by tomorrow. And let's hope for James' sake I am over it! Withdrawal can make a person a little edgy!!
It's crazy how addicted we can get to things and how difficult it can be to take it away. But I'm finding that the idea of just having something to drink is what I need. So now I carry a water bottle with me to work instead of a diet dew. I find that I can think much clearer and am more productive at work. I have been on kicks before where I stopped caffiene and it was great but somehow that dew snuck back in the picture :)
Tonight for supper I made stuffed baked potatoes with ham and cheese. It was another recipe I got out of the weight watcher's cook book. It's very filling. After dinner we all were pretty tired which worked out for me being the caffiene addict and all ;) So we had some down time after dinner and then we decided to get in some good time with Madison by playing in her room with her. She's so funny with her daddy. She loves to pretend he's the pirate and that she needs mommy to save her. Gotta love kids!
You'll have to excuse my thoughts as I really do have quite the headache tonight. So my thoughts may not flow too well. James and I were talking about our plans for the weekend and we are looking forward to the company we have coming over Friday night. We've been wanting to have this couple over for a while now and between busy schedules and life I think we may finally get too! I talk about it all the time but it's crazy how our schedules fill up. Saturday we are going to see Grandma Grace and Grandaddy Carol. We are planning to stop by that morning to spend time with them and then hopefully have a day for James, Madison, and I to hang out maybe at the beach or where ever we decide. I would love to get some good pictures of Madison at the beach. I also need to find her an Easter dress. I know....I've waited to long right?! I do it every year honestly but I know I will find her a pretty dress. I want to get her Easter pictures taken. I'm really bad about going out to get professional pictures taken but I do want to for Easter. So I better get on the ball with that!! I am always snapping pictures of my own but it can be nice to have pictures that are professional on occasion.
I'm hoping the rest of my work week goes well. I know once I get past this caffiene withdrawal I will be fine. It's just getting there. I guess once I officially get off caffiene I will think about what will be my next step to work towards. Hope everyone is having a good week! Don't forget to slow down and spend time with your family even if you are too tired and don't feel like it. I remember a while back before I had a family being told to always go out with your family and spend time with them even though you just got off of work. To not rely on how tired you are feeling but to decide to go and have fun after work despite that. I have remembered that for years now and I have tried to practice that. Having fun with the family doesn't mean that I even have to leave my house but it does mean that I need to make sure I am attentive to my family despite the huge desire to just crash!! It's so rewarding. So thankful for the family God has blessed me with and the people in my life that make life so worth it.
It's crazy how addicted we can get to things and how difficult it can be to take it away. But I'm finding that the idea of just having something to drink is what I need. So now I carry a water bottle with me to work instead of a diet dew. I find that I can think much clearer and am more productive at work. I have been on kicks before where I stopped caffiene and it was great but somehow that dew snuck back in the picture :)
Tonight for supper I made stuffed baked potatoes with ham and cheese. It was another recipe I got out of the weight watcher's cook book. It's very filling. After dinner we all were pretty tired which worked out for me being the caffiene addict and all ;) So we had some down time after dinner and then we decided to get in some good time with Madison by playing in her room with her. She's so funny with her daddy. She loves to pretend he's the pirate and that she needs mommy to save her. Gotta love kids!
You'll have to excuse my thoughts as I really do have quite the headache tonight. So my thoughts may not flow too well. James and I were talking about our plans for the weekend and we are looking forward to the company we have coming over Friday night. We've been wanting to have this couple over for a while now and between busy schedules and life I think we may finally get too! I talk about it all the time but it's crazy how our schedules fill up. Saturday we are going to see Grandma Grace and Grandaddy Carol. We are planning to stop by that morning to spend time with them and then hopefully have a day for James, Madison, and I to hang out maybe at the beach or where ever we decide. I would love to get some good pictures of Madison at the beach. I also need to find her an Easter dress. I know....I've waited to long right?! I do it every year honestly but I know I will find her a pretty dress. I want to get her Easter pictures taken. I'm really bad about going out to get professional pictures taken but I do want to for Easter. So I better get on the ball with that!! I am always snapping pictures of my own but it can be nice to have pictures that are professional on occasion.
I'm hoping the rest of my work week goes well. I know once I get past this caffiene withdrawal I will be fine. It's just getting there. I guess once I officially get off caffiene I will think about what will be my next step to work towards. Hope everyone is having a good week! Don't forget to slow down and spend time with your family even if you are too tired and don't feel like it. I remember a while back before I had a family being told to always go out with your family and spend time with them even though you just got off of work. To not rely on how tired you are feeling but to decide to go and have fun after work despite that. I have remembered that for years now and I have tried to practice that. Having fun with the family doesn't mean that I even have to leave my house but it does mean that I need to make sure I am attentive to my family despite the huge desire to just crash!! It's so rewarding. So thankful for the family God has blessed me with and the people in my life that make life so worth it.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Thoughts As I Wind Down...
I just wanted to slow down a bit and take a few moments and blog. It's been a good weekend and a good start to my week. I don't have too much on my mind this evening other than a blog I've been keeping up with and a few other things. I'm praising God that Jennifer and Dave now have a baby of their own. Praising God for how He has worked in their life. Makes me especially thankful for my little family and the way God has worked through us.
I want to let you guys know about the Easter Drama that will be put on at our church. It's at West Belhaven Church of Christ on April 1 & 2 at 7:00, which is a Thursday and Friday. It's going to be amazing. I'm playing the part of the harlot and it's a very humbling role. Yes, go ahead and chuckle....I found it amusing too. But getting into the "role" will be a very emotional thing as I put myself in her shoes and the shame she must have felt as she approached Jesus. I encourage you guys to come out and see it. There's been alot of time and effort put in planning it from alot of good people at WBCC. It will be worth your time.
I'm looking forward to my evening with my family. Had a full day at work and now it's time to relax. We're cooking out hamburgers and spending time with Madison until her bedtime. Once she's in bed we get to have movie night :) Such a sweet life...
I want to let you guys know about the Easter Drama that will be put on at our church. It's at West Belhaven Church of Christ on April 1 & 2 at 7:00, which is a Thursday and Friday. It's going to be amazing. I'm playing the part of the harlot and it's a very humbling role. Yes, go ahead and chuckle....I found it amusing too. But getting into the "role" will be a very emotional thing as I put myself in her shoes and the shame she must have felt as she approached Jesus. I encourage you guys to come out and see it. There's been alot of time and effort put in planning it from alot of good people at WBCC. It will be worth your time.
I'm looking forward to my evening with my family. Had a full day at work and now it's time to relax. We're cooking out hamburgers and spending time with Madison until her bedtime. Once she's in bed we get to have movie night :) Such a sweet life...
Friday, March 19, 2010
In Tears
I normally would not post twice in one day but I couldn't resist sharing what happened while putting Madison to sleep. Just after we had completed our nightly routine for bedtime including reading her last book, we said our prayers. Well tonight Madison read the last book to me. Well, read to me in the sense that she saw the pictures and said her version of the story :) Afterwards we said our prayers. Usually we would say them together but tonight Madison took the lead and it went a little something like this: "Thank you God for Mommy and Daddy, the truck, the car, my bed, papa, and grandma, mammy, Tina, mommy, and daddy. Amen." By the end of this prayer I was trying to pull myself together to a normal voice so that she couldn't tell I was crying. I was so proud of her and how her little heart was so sincere in thanking God for the simplest of things like her bed. I also found comfort in hearing her thank God for her babysitter. She is growing up so fast and it is such an incredible joy hearing your child pray.
Getting Back On Track
Today is one of those days you realize you should have started a long time ago working that weight off because it's warming up!! So my goal for this weekend is to yet again get back in the swing of things with exercising and cooking healthy. Got off track last week and when I get off track that means my family is off track.
The lifestyle you live does not only affect "you". It also affects those who spend alot of time with you. I know that when I'm on a "healthy" kick that I will have healthy suppers planned and plenty of healthy choices for everyone to take with them for lunches. There will always be granola bars or fruit to grab for breakfast. But when it comes to that week where "healthy eating" exchanges places with "convenience" I know we are in for an off week. This week was just that. Prior to this week I was exercising and when this week arrived everything took a seat on the backburner. But with the weather as pretty as it is and the forecast for the weekend is just as pretty this will be a great chance to get back on track. Warmer days leave you with out excuse to get out and exercise. Children love to be outside and Madison loves to go for walks. And I think it will also be time to break out the bicycles.
This weekend will also be a good time to get back to planning my meals for the week. I always hear from others and I use to say it myself that eating healthy is so much more expensive than just buying those unhealthy foods. But I have learned that to not be the case. Since I started planning out my meals a week at a time,and I use a Weight Watcher's Cookbook, I have found that I am still able to remain in my budget for my groceries and actually illiminate those "convenience" runs through out the week at work. We spend more money on food when we are not eating healthy. When we have a meal plan for the week we avoid eating out because we are making last minute decisions for supper after being tired from work. Planning your supper after you get home from work is the worse time to do that. You will spend more money and have a higher chance of eating something that's not healthy. So eating healthy for us is not only good to our bodies but good to our wallets!
So once I'm getting back on track with eating healthy and exercising, I'm also hoping to fit in some time to clean my carpets. They are long overdue and I love a clean house on a bright sunny day!! Going to get some grilling time in...well, James is...haha. I love it when he grills corn on the cob!! Just looking forward to this weekend and having some much needed time with my daughter tonight. It's girl's night tonight!! Hope you guys get out and enjoy this sunshine!
The lifestyle you live does not only affect "you". It also affects those who spend alot of time with you. I know that when I'm on a "healthy" kick that I will have healthy suppers planned and plenty of healthy choices for everyone to take with them for lunches. There will always be granola bars or fruit to grab for breakfast. But when it comes to that week where "healthy eating" exchanges places with "convenience" I know we are in for an off week. This week was just that. Prior to this week I was exercising and when this week arrived everything took a seat on the backburner. But with the weather as pretty as it is and the forecast for the weekend is just as pretty this will be a great chance to get back on track. Warmer days leave you with out excuse to get out and exercise. Children love to be outside and Madison loves to go for walks. And I think it will also be time to break out the bicycles.
This weekend will also be a good time to get back to planning my meals for the week. I always hear from others and I use to say it myself that eating healthy is so much more expensive than just buying those unhealthy foods. But I have learned that to not be the case. Since I started planning out my meals a week at a time,and I use a Weight Watcher's Cookbook, I have found that I am still able to remain in my budget for my groceries and actually illiminate those "convenience" runs through out the week at work. We spend more money on food when we are not eating healthy. When we have a meal plan for the week we avoid eating out because we are making last minute decisions for supper after being tired from work. Planning your supper after you get home from work is the worse time to do that. You will spend more money and have a higher chance of eating something that's not healthy. So eating healthy for us is not only good to our bodies but good to our wallets!
So once I'm getting back on track with eating healthy and exercising, I'm also hoping to fit in some time to clean my carpets. They are long overdue and I love a clean house on a bright sunny day!! Going to get some grilling time in...well, James is...haha. I love it when he grills corn on the cob!! Just looking forward to this weekend and having some much needed time with my daughter tonight. It's girl's night tonight!! Hope you guys get out and enjoy this sunshine!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
A day away from the office was quite nice today. I was still at work except I was at a training in Raleigh. Getting up at 5 a.m. was no fun but it was nice riding with a friend and chatting. It's also nice to see people at the training that you don't get to see everyday. And I was so encouraged to hear that people there were also reading my blogs! It's so encouraging to me so thankyou to the people today that told me they have been reading and enjoying them.
I know that I have learned alot just from my short time in blogging. You never realize the impact of your life on others until you start sharing it more. This blog has helped me to grow closer with God and to become comfortable with sharing my life with others. It makes me so excited when someone can read my blog and relate and maybe even be encouraged!! Life is so full of unexpected turns that you have to learn to keep pushing no matter what. And if sharing my turns in life is what someone else needs to keep going then keep reading!!
Sometimes we can get really tired as we go through life trying to do good and trying to live a life that's pleasing to Christ. Find encouragement in these two verses: Galatians 6:8-9 "The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." It's scriptures like these that encourage me to continue doing what God has called me to do despite what others around me are doing. And I want to make sure I make a lasting impression on people's lives in such a way that help them to be a better person. I have people in my life that have done that for me and I want to make sure I can do the same. There's always someone watching us and our actions and seeing if they match our words. And maybe you are someone that struggles with being the same person no matter who the people you are around. Be confident in who you are in Christ. Decide that it's Christ that makes you special and not the people you are trying to please. Once you get that down, you will lead a much happier life. I've been there and I know the happiness I have now.
I am really thankful for this day and getting to be with some people I do not see every day but I am especially looking forward to my head hitting the pillow and seeing the back of my eye lids!! Tomorrow will be another long day as I get up at 6 a.m. to take a 2 hour drive so it's off to bed early for me!!
I know that I have learned alot just from my short time in blogging. You never realize the impact of your life on others until you start sharing it more. This blog has helped me to grow closer with God and to become comfortable with sharing my life with others. It makes me so excited when someone can read my blog and relate and maybe even be encouraged!! Life is so full of unexpected turns that you have to learn to keep pushing no matter what. And if sharing my turns in life is what someone else needs to keep going then keep reading!!
Sometimes we can get really tired as we go through life trying to do good and trying to live a life that's pleasing to Christ. Find encouragement in these two verses: Galatians 6:8-9 "The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." It's scriptures like these that encourage me to continue doing what God has called me to do despite what others around me are doing. And I want to make sure I make a lasting impression on people's lives in such a way that help them to be a better person. I have people in my life that have done that for me and I want to make sure I can do the same. There's always someone watching us and our actions and seeing if they match our words. And maybe you are someone that struggles with being the same person no matter who the people you are around. Be confident in who you are in Christ. Decide that it's Christ that makes you special and not the people you are trying to please. Once you get that down, you will lead a much happier life. I've been there and I know the happiness I have now.
I am really thankful for this day and getting to be with some people I do not see every day but I am especially looking forward to my head hitting the pillow and seeing the back of my eye lids!! Tomorrow will be another long day as I get up at 6 a.m. to take a 2 hour drive so it's off to bed early for me!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
An Eventful Day
Well today was definetly a roller coaster ride. Started really well...till I got to work that is (isn't that how it always go..hee hee). I love the phone calls when a client calls to say what "really" happened and that he's not guilty...so that was my morning between him and all other parties involved. As my day continued, I had something unusual happen. Had a client come in that was asking to be readmitted to the program. Someone who had been clean from her addiction for an entire year but relapsed about 2 months ago. I find an enormous amount of strenth in a person that can walk back into my office after they are no longer obligated to by the courts and ask to be readmitted to the program. And this is unusual because all of the clients I see are on probation so they are either referred by the courts or their probation officer to see me. In other words, somewhere along the way the law caught up with them. So they typically are not thrilled to see me by the time they make it to my office.
I also had my second chiropractor appointment today. Actually found out what was going on by looking at the xrays I took last week. I find it very interesting to look at these things. Of course my xray did not match the "normal" one....does anything ever appear normal about me anyway?? But as we continued to discuss what was going on I learned that it's really no wonder I do not get migraines even more than I'm getting them. There were three things going on in my neck that all kind of linked together to triple the pain and cause the blurred vision. I'm not sure of all the technical jargan but I did learn that the three components could actually be fixed. Which was music to these ears! I have had a hard time with my migraines and I finally decided to go to the chiropractor when I started having them more frequently. My migraines always start out with my left eye going completely blurred and this happens alot when I'm driving. Which is the most inconvenient time. Then after that it's a quite painful day so I've got alot of hope that this chiropractor will do the trick. I did find it quite relaxing at some points to go to the chiropractor. At one point all I had to do was lay down and they put a cool pack around my neck with something else (seriously I really don't know my technical things here) to relax my muscles. I found myself having a hard time trying to relax. It's like I wanted to get up and get things done. I mean have I really become so busy that I can't even slow down and do absolutely nothing for literally 5 minutes. So I will find these appointments enjoyable (most days) because they will force me to take care of myself.
This evening I learned that a friend/coworker was experiencing symptoms of a heart attack and was actually having a heart attack by the time they made it to the hospital. She were air lifted to the Heart Center at PCMH. James, Madison, and I went over to be with the family and to visit with her once the testing was done. And though this event was upsetting, I knew that God was in control of it all. Sometimes it's a shocker to hear such news but I knew the faith my friend had and I understood that she would be ok. But after all the test were run and we were able to talk with her, we learned that it actually was not her heart afterall. Which was a good sign. But now they are trying to figure out where this pain and other symptoms are coming from. So I'm praising God that she did not have a heart attack but praying that God will also be with the doctors as they continue to run tests to try and locate the problem.
It's always moments like these that you really slow down to appreciate the people in your life. It's so important to have good family and friends whom you can trust no matter what the day. So I encourage you to appreciate the people in your life and look at all the blessings you have been given!!
I also had my second chiropractor appointment today. Actually found out what was going on by looking at the xrays I took last week. I find it very interesting to look at these things. Of course my xray did not match the "normal" one....does anything ever appear normal about me anyway?? But as we continued to discuss what was going on I learned that it's really no wonder I do not get migraines even more than I'm getting them. There were three things going on in my neck that all kind of linked together to triple the pain and cause the blurred vision. I'm not sure of all the technical jargan but I did learn that the three components could actually be fixed. Which was music to these ears! I have had a hard time with my migraines and I finally decided to go to the chiropractor when I started having them more frequently. My migraines always start out with my left eye going completely blurred and this happens alot when I'm driving. Which is the most inconvenient time. Then after that it's a quite painful day so I've got alot of hope that this chiropractor will do the trick. I did find it quite relaxing at some points to go to the chiropractor. At one point all I had to do was lay down and they put a cool pack around my neck with something else (seriously I really don't know my technical things here) to relax my muscles. I found myself having a hard time trying to relax. It's like I wanted to get up and get things done. I mean have I really become so busy that I can't even slow down and do absolutely nothing for literally 5 minutes. So I will find these appointments enjoyable (most days) because they will force me to take care of myself.
This evening I learned that a friend/coworker was experiencing symptoms of a heart attack and was actually having a heart attack by the time they made it to the hospital. She were air lifted to the Heart Center at PCMH. James, Madison, and I went over to be with the family and to visit with her once the testing was done. And though this event was upsetting, I knew that God was in control of it all. Sometimes it's a shocker to hear such news but I knew the faith my friend had and I understood that she would be ok. But after all the test were run and we were able to talk with her, we learned that it actually was not her heart afterall. Which was a good sign. But now they are trying to figure out where this pain and other symptoms are coming from. So I'm praising God that she did not have a heart attack but praying that God will also be with the doctors as they continue to run tests to try and locate the problem.
It's always moments like these that you really slow down to appreciate the people in your life. It's so important to have good family and friends whom you can trust no matter what the day. So I encourage you to appreciate the people in your life and look at all the blessings you have been given!!
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