I decided I needed to stay home with her because I know that I would not appreciate someone else bringing their sick child to church if it was something the other children could catch. So we stayed home despite the many events of the evening planned while James went to church. I arranged for my K-2 graders to join classes with the 3-5 graders. Hoping the class wasn't too large!! So thankful for those who made the accommodations!! I missed out on some good times this evening but I guess it's one of those things we can not control. Praying the youth event went well tonight and the many other plans for the evening also. James and I are so blessed to be a part of WBCC and it's most definitely a happening place. Thank you to all the people who are part of that church and make it a priority to volunteer their time for so many different things. Thank you for being God's hands!!

This is Madison in her pj's running a fever. I'm thankful that she wasn't too terribly fussy and still had her appetite...if you notice her mouth full of food ;)
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