So it's a day that I could easily complain about BUT...Philippians 2:14 says "Do everything without complaining or arguing". I try to keep this verse in mind almost always. Granted, I do fail at times, but that's what grace is for right? In looking back at my day and if only looking at the faults, I would say...I went with out breakfast which made me really hungry and hard to focus at work, I forgot my wallet at home and did not realize it until halfway to work, got home and realized an animal had gotten into the trash over night and decided it would be cool to throw trash all over my back yard,etc. I could easily let each little thing add up but I began to think about how much worse the day could have been. I made it to work safely, my daughter had a good day at the babysitter, I came home to see that wonderful man of mine, and I am now listening to the monitor as James reads a book to Madison. I decided I was not going to let Satan get hold of me today, especially with such little things.
I decided that each day I am to look at the blessings God has granted me. I am to live each day for the Lord because I am His child. Romans 14:6 - 8: "He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord." Whether I am at work, or at home, or out with family, whatever the case may be, I am to live it to the Lord. So today, even though honestly, it just started out kind of rough for me, I am glad God gave me the insight to understand that yes, it started off a little less than perfect, but why in the world would you complain on such little things!! The Lord made this day and gave me another chance to make a difference for Him. How selfish am I to complain because I had to work without breakfast.God blessed me in helping me find a breakfast bar in my car just around 10:00. So even though I had forgotten my wallet and was unable to get something for breakfast, God still provided for me by helping me remember I placed a breakfast bar in the car over the weekend. I love my God and am convinced that there is nothing too small and nothing to large for him to handle.
I am humbled at my thoughts this morning in comparison to my thoughts this evening as I reflect over my day. It's amazing how little Satan has to work sometimes to get us down. That's why it is so important that we feed ourselves spiritually every chance that we get. Satan is always looking for an opportunity to get a hold of you and that's why God has equipped us with His Word and the Holy Spirit. Thank you God for your grace and forgiveness. I am so thankful for this day because even though it was not perfect for me, it was still a good day. I still came home to my family and I am still a child of God. I do not think there is any other way to end a day.